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Show 646 DR. J. ANDEESON ON REPTILES AND [June 18, excluding the ventrals. The average number is 38, whereas in the variety with fine lepidosis the number of scales generally rises above 50. Sex. 2... of- 2... d- Snout to vent. 71 70 70 63 Tail. 118 160 - 138 Scales round body. 36 38 38 38 Ventrals. 10 10 10 10 Scales between thighs. 17 18 17 17 Length of 3rd toe, inner margin. 138 11*8 11-3 11-0 Pores. E. L. 18 17 20 19 17 17 24 22 " In holes in the sand among sparse vegetation." 10. ACANTHODACTYLUS CANTORI, Giinther. Acanthodactylus cantoris, Giinther, Eept. Brit. Ind. 1863, p. 73. 1 cf , 2 2,2 hgr., and 6 juv. Aden. The four rowrs of scales encircling the fingers, the acutely pointed snout, and the greater number of ventral shields are characters by which this species can be at once distinguished from the obtusely-snouted A. boskianus. In its lepidosis it is intermediate between the extremes that occur in A. boskianus, the scales round the body seldom falling belowr 45 or rising above 48. In its coloration it resembles that species. Col. Yerbury's specimens are the first record of its occurrence at Aden. " Among holes in the sand among sparse vegetation." 11. EREMIAS GUTTULATA, Licht. 1 2 . Isthmus of Aden and Shaikh Othman. " Occurs on the same kind of ground as the two species of Acanthodacti/lus, and is not unfrequently met with in dried-up iowari fields." 12. MABUIA BREVICOLLIS, Wiegm. Euprepes pyrrhocephalus, Wiegm. Arch. f. Nat. 1837, p. 133. Euprepes brevicollis, Wiegm. 1. c. p. 133. Euprepes jjerrotetii (non D. & B.), Blanford, Zool. Abyss. 1870, p. 456. Mabuia brevicollis, Boulenger, Cat. Liz. B. M . 2nd ed. iii. 1887, p. 169. Mabuia pulchra, Matschie, SB. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berl. 1893, p. 29. 3 cf & 2 2 . Shaikh Othman. 1 juv. cf • Haithalhim. 2 cf • Lahej. 5 juv. removed from 2 from Shaikh Othman. In the British Museum there is a large Skink obtained by Mr. |