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Show 1895.] MALFORMATIONS AMONGST FISHES. 429 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. ALDROVANDUS.-Monstrorum Historia (1642), p. 428. 2. v. BAER.-" Ueb. doppelleibigen Missgeburten." Mem. de l'Acad. Imp. des Sci. de St. Petersbourg, ser. 6, t. iv. pt. 2, 1845, p. 79. 3. JUSSIEU.-Hist, de I2\cad. B. des Sci. 1754, p. 30. 4. JACOBI.-Hannoversch. Mag. 1765, pt. 62. 5. BUDOLPHI.-(As quoted by v. BAER.) 6. HEUSNER.-Descr. Monstr. Avium, Amphib. Piscium. Diss. In. Berolini, 1824. 7. BATHKE.-Abh. z. Bild. u. Entw. d. Mensch. u. Thiere, Bd. ii. p. 61. 8. KNOCH.-"Ueb. Missbild. betr. d. Emb. des Salmonen u. Coregonus Cteschlechtes." Bull, de la Soc. Imp. des Nat. de Moscou, t. xlvi. 1873, p. 173. 9. KLAUSSNER.-Mehrfachbildungen bei Wirbelthieren. Miin-chen, 1890. 10. ST.-HILAIRE.-Anomalies de l'Organisation, vol. iii. p. 202. 11. LEREBOULLET.-" Becherches sur les Monstruosites du Brochet." Ann. des Sci. Nat., Zool. ser. 4, t. xx. p. 177. 12. B A U B E R . - " Die Theorien des excessiven Monstra." Vir-chow's Archiv, t. lxxi. p. 133, & t. lxiii. p. 551. 13. D E QUATREFAGES.-" Mem. sur la Monst. double chez les Poissons." Mem. de la Soc. Philomath. 1888. 14. VALENTIN.-" Ein Beitr. z. Entw. d. Doppelmissgeb." Arch. f. Phys. Heilk. 1851. 15. SUTTON.-Evolution and Disease, p. 121. 16. COSTE.-" Origine de la Monstruosite double chez les Poissons osseux." Comptes Bendus, xl. pp. 868 & 931. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXV. Fig. 1. Head of trout-embryo, showing third median eye. 2. Head of trout-embryo, showing additional, median, pair of eyes. 3. Fission to region of pectoral fins. The left eye of the right fish is absent. 4. Fission to beyond posterior border of yolk-sac. The cephalic ends are twisted so as to lie venter to venter. 5. Fission with subsequent union of the caudal ends, which overlap one another. The tail-fins are double. 6. Parasitism. The specimen is seen from the ventral aspect and the parasite projects from the left side of the autosite as a pointed process. a, remains of yolk-sac; b, circular patch of pigment representing an eye. |