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Show 598 MR. H. H. DRUCE ON BORNEAN LYCEENIDEE. [June 18, PRATAPA CALCULIS, sp. n. (Plate XXXIII. figs. 6 d, 7 2 •) d. Upperside brilliant deep blue, colour of P. deva, Moore. Fore wing-apex from beyond the cell black, gradually narrowing towards outer angle ; a short black line partially closing the cell from the subcostal nervule. Hind wing-costal margin and apex rather narrowly black ; the brown shining patch more extensive than in P. deva, reaching below the median nervure, with its outer edge straight and clearly defined, and with the darker central patch almost obsolete and placed above the subcostal nervure; anal fold greyish brown; a black anteciliary line from apex to anal angle; cilia black, whitish near the tails, which are black bordered and tipped with white ; lobe orange, with a few metallic scales. Underside much like that of Tajuria isceus, Hew., but the ground-colour darker and the common linear band placed closer to the outer margins; a broad orange streak on the costa of fore wing close to the base. The black spots and orange patch at anal angle of hind wdng are just as in T. isceus; tuft of hairs on inner margin cream-colour. 5 . Upperside pale lavender-blue wdth paler brown margins; the nervules dusted with brownish. Underside as male, but orange streak on costa of fore wdng less conspicuous. Expanse, d 2 ? If inch. Kina Balu ( Waterstr.). This is a very distinct species, not closely allied to any with which I am acquainted. The types are in Dr. Staudinger's collection. APHNEEUS, Hiibn. APHNEEUS SYAMA. Amblypodia syama, Horsf. Cat. Lep. E. I. C. p. 107 (1829). The ground-colour of the underside of all the Bornean specimens I have examined is darker than the typical Javan form. Specimens having the bands red occur, as also those with the bands black. Labuan (Low and Wederstr.). Ab. ERIGIDUS. Aphneeus frigidus, Druce, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 350, pi. xxxii. fig. 10. I feel certain that the species described as above cannot hold good, but that it is simply an aberration of the well-knowrn A. syama, O n the underside of the left fore wing the 3rd band (counting from the base) is represented by a spot on the costa, wdiilst on the right fore wing the 3rd and 4th bands are both represented in a like manner. Messrs. Godman and Salvin possess a specimen in which the 3rd and 4th bands have entirely disappeared; also another, in which the 3rd band is well developed and has attached to it the lower portion of the 4th band, the upper part of which is wanting. The hind wing of typical A. frigidus also appears quite different from A. syama, the 3rd band being replaced by a |