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Show 1895.] HEMIPTERA-HOMOPTERA OF THE ISLAND OF ST. VINCENT. 75 the wings milk-white. Last ventral segment of the female much longer than the preceding one, the tip rounded and slightly sinuated each side; last ventral segment of the male about twice as long as the penultimate one, subtruncate at tip, with tbe sides cut a little diagonal; the inferior appendages not much longer than the last segment, coarsely punctate, slightly grooved. Length to tip of venter, o* 4-^, $ b\ m m . ; to tip of wing-covers 6-7 m m . Five fairly perfect specimens are in the collection made in St. Vincent by Mr. H . H . Smith. This species is smaller and narrower than the G. angulata, Spangb., to which it bears much resemblance, besides the fact that in this new species the head is longer and the ocelli are nearer the anterior margin. It appears almost exactly like G. placida, Uhler, but in that species the last two ventral segments of male are long and of nearly equal size, and the upper genital attachments are abruptly narrowed beyond the middle, become acute at the tip, and are hairy, and not punctate. TETTIGONIA (PEOCONIA) EUBEICOSA, sp. nov. Form of Proconia circumducta, Signt. Carmine-red, the general form tapering posteriorly. Head orbicularly tumid, polished, varying from piceous through red to pale fulvous; front long, tumidly convex, having a few indented points superiorly; the eyes large, brown, and prominent, the surface at their inner angle indented ; the occiput carinated on the margin and depressed before it; clypeus tumidly convex, distinctly separated from the front by the impressed line at base. Pronotum large, polished, wider than long, convex, strongly advanced in a broad curve upon the head, the submargin depressed ; colour fulvous, paler in front, sometimes rufous and clouded posterioidy ; sternum and pleural segments pale yellow, sometimes tinged with brown, powdered with white. Legs pale brownish yellow, with the spines, tip of tibia?, and apex of tarsi, including the nails, brown. Scutellum tawny or red, acuminate; the underlying dorsal segment dark, bordered with testaceous. Wing-covers narrow, tapering, curving to an acute tip, bright red, spread with blue, which omits the base, borders, veins, and tip; cells of the membrane large, long, and few; wings smoke-colour, with the veins darker. Abdomen red, slenderly tapering, with a pale blue band at apex of the last tergal segment; last ventral segment of female broadly sinuated, with the outer corners acutely triangular; the same segment of male truncated. Length to end of abdomen 6-7 m m . ; width of pronotum 2 m m . Eight specimens of this brilliant species were taken near Kingstown at altitudes ranging from 1300 to 2500 feet above the sea. TETTIGONIA (PEOCONIA) FASTIGIATA, sp. nov. Head wide, more triangularly curved at tip than in the preceding species; ground-colour black above, pale yellow beneath. Vertex |