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Show 1895.] FROM MATTO GROSSO AND PARAGUAY. 527 I regard as identical with H. thoracatum, and is the same as that for which I propose the name H. guentheri. In fact 3 species are confounded under H. thoracatum in Dr. & Mrs. Eigeninann's Synopsis ; they are distinguishable as follows :- I. Throat entirely naked in front of the two pairs of pectoral shields; 6 to 8 pairs of ventral shields separated by a series of azygos shields ; spine of adipose fin present; caudal deeply emarginate, middle rays half as long as outer . H. thoracatus, Gthr. II. A transverse series of four shields in front of the pectoral shields; 3 to 7 pairs of ventral shields and a single azygos shield in front; posterior dorsal spine usually absent. Pectoral spine not reaching origin of anal; caudal deeply emarginate, middle rays half as long as outer H. guentheri, Blgr. Pectoral spine reaching origin of anal; caudal less deeply emarginate, middle rays much more than half as long as outer H. steindachneri, Blgr. 9. LORICARIA PARVA, Sp. n. Teeth small, well developed in both jaws. Head 1| as long as broad, 4 | to 5 times in total length; snout obtusely pointed, feebly projecting beyond the lip; head-shields with longitudinal, spinulose striae, without keels ; diameter of orbit 5 | to 6 times iu length of head, 2\ to 2 | times in length of snout, 1| to If in interorbital width; a broad postorbital notch; lower labial fold moderately large, papillose, feebly notched, with a fringe of obtuse papillae. Dorsal I 7; first ray \\ to lg as long as head, just above base of ventral. Pectoral I 6, as long as head or a little shorter, reaching beyond base of ventral. Ventral I 5, as long as pectoral, reaching beyond origin of anal. Anal I 5. Outer caudal rays much produced, filiform, upper longest. Lateral scutes 26-28, with two spinose ridges approximating on the 13th or 14th; nuchal shields without keels ; 16 or 17 scutes between dorsal and caudal, 14 or 15 between anal and caudal. Breast and belly shielded; pectoral shields numerous, polygonal, irregular ; ventrals 7 to 9 transversely enlarged ones on each side and 3 series of small ones in the middle. All the shields spinulose and striated. Olive above, with ill-defined dark cross-bars; a dark streak on each side of the snout, from the tip to the eye ; fins with dark spots. Total length 110 millim. Numerous specimens from Descalvados, Matto Grosso. This species is most nearly related to L. filamentosa, Stdr. 10. LORICARIA LABIALIS, Sp. n. Teeth minute, rudimentary, in both jaws. Head If as long as broad, 4| to 4f times in total length; snout obtusely pointed, feebly projecting beyond the lip ; head-shields rough with villose spinules, except on the edge of the end of the snout, without |