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Show 1895.] MR, H. H. DRUCE ON BORNEAN LYCiENID^E. 571 Kina Balu ( Waterstr.). Dr. Staudinger has sent me a male which differs from the typical form only by the disc of the fore wing below the white spot being slightly greyish. SPALGIS NUBILUS. Spalgis nubilus, Moore, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 522 ; Distant & Pryer, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 5, vol. xix. p. 266 (1887). Sandakan (Pryer) • Labuan (Wahnes). TARAKA, de Niceville. TARAKA HAMADA. Miletus hamada, Druce, Cist. Ent. vol. i. p. 361 (1875). Kina Balu ( Waterstr.). The type of this species is now in Messrs. Godman and Salvin's collection. MEGISBA, Moore. MEGISBA MALAYA. Lyccena malaya, Horsf. Cat. Lep. E. I. C. p. 70 (1S28). Sandakan (Pryer). M. malaya is also recorded from Borneo by Mr. de Niceville, who states that it is the tailed form which occurs there (Butt. Ind. iii. pp. 61, 62). CYANIRIS, Dalman. I have no less than eight species of this genus to deal with, and after carefully examining all the described species, 1 am only able to recognize one as identical with one of these forms, viz. C. Iambi, Distant, and am compelled with some reluctance to propose names for the remainder, notwithstanding Dr. Holland's remarks about them in the Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1890, p. 70. CYANIRIS DILECTISSIMA, sp. n. (Plate XXXII. figs. 2^,3$.) Lyccena dilectissima, Staud. M S. d. Upperside allied to C. cdbocceruleus, Moore, but darker and greyer blue; the fore wing with the outer margin and apex narrowly black (about as in C. argiolus, Linn.), and with only a few whitish scales on the costa and on the disc: hind wing pure white, dusted with blue (thickly) at the base, along the outer margin, inside the black anteciliary line, and along the nervules; cilia pure white. Underside with spots and markings as in C. albocceruleus, but larger, blacker and more distinct, and with distinct black linear marks closing the cells of both wings : fore wing with a marginal row of black spots ; hind wing with a similar row larger and blacker. 2 • Upperside differs from that sex of C. cdbocceruleus by the black outer marginal border of fore wing being broader and less clearly defined, and by the costal margin of hind wing being broadly (to the subcostal nervure) greyish black from base to apex. |