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Show 1014 APPENDIX. June 21. 1 Tachiro Goshawk (Astur tachiro). Purchased. 34 Black Salamanders (Salamandra atra). Deposited. 22. 1 Diamond Snake (Morelia spilotes). Presented by M. Mit-chener, Esq. 1 Natal Python (Python natalensis). Presented by W m. Norman, Esq. 24. 1 Thar (Capra jemlaica), 2 • B°r n in tbe Menagerie. 1 Common Rhea (Rhea americana). Deposited. 25. 2 Wild Ducks (Anas boscas), 2 $ . Purchased. 26. 1 Rough Fox (Canis rudis). Presented by Dr. Irvine K. Reid. 1 Black-eared Marmoset (Hapale penicillata). Presented by H. P. Roberts, Esq. 2 Black-necked Swans (Cygnus nigricollis). Purchased. 27. 1 Burchell's Zebra (Equus burchelli), cf • Purchased. 1 Bonnet-Monkey (Macacus sinicus), 2 • Presented by John Norbury, jr., Esq. • 3 Blue Snow-Geese (Chen ccerulescens). Purchased. 28. 1 Grey Ichneumon (Herpestes griseus). Presented by Lady Champion de Crespigny. 29. 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), cf. Presented by Mr. H. W . Ball. 7 Black Salamanders (Salamandra atra). Presented by the Rev. J. W . Horsley. 1 Slowworm (Anguis fragilis). Presented by the Rev. J. W . Horsley. July 1. 1 Anubis Baboon (Cynocephalus anubis), cf. Presented by W. H. Adams, Esq. 1 Leopard (Felis pardus). Presented by W . H. Adams, Esq. 2 Two-spotted Paradoxures (Nandinia binotata). Presented by W . H. Adams, Esq. 1 Sharpe's Wood-Owl (Syrnium nuchale). Presented by W . H. Adams, Esq. 2. 2 Mantchurian Cranes (Grus viriclirostris). Purchased. 2 Red-crested Cardinals (Paroaria cucullata). Presented by Dr. G. Fielding Blandford, F.Z.S. 2 Mule Deer (Cariacus macrotis). Born in the Menagerie. 3. 1 Campbell's Monkey (Cercopithecus campbelli), cf. Deposited. 1 Spiny-tailed Monitor (Varanus acanthurus). From Roebuck Bay, W . Australia. Presented by W . Saville Kent, Esq., F.Z.S. 4. 1 Brown Capuchin (Cebus fatuellus). Presented by W . E. Gibbs, JLSQ.J J »JL • 1 Egyptian Uromastix (Uromastix spinipes). Deposited. 1 Rough-keeled Snake (Dasypeltis scabra). Presented by Mr. A. W . Arrowsmith. 5. 1 Small Hill-Mynah (Gracula religiosa). Presented by W. Norbury, Esq. 2 Plumed Ground-Doves (Geophaps plumifera). Hatched in the Gardens. • 7. 1 Japanese Deer (Cervus sika), cf. Born in the Menagerie. 8. 4 Common Chameleons (Chamceleon vulgaris). From Moses Wells, Sinai Peninsula. Presented by J. C. Mitchell, Esq. 9. 1 Wapiti Deer (Cervus canadensis), $. Born in the Menagerie. 1 Yellow-billed Sheathbill (Chionis alba). Captured at Sea', 300 miles off the Falkland Islands. Presented bv Capt. C Plunkett. ' * |