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Show 1895.] HEMIPTEBA-HOMOPTEBA OF THE ISLAND OF ST. VINCENT. 59 including the wide costal one, and no transverse veins in the ulnar series ; twelve long narrow areoles in the apical series, most of which have three or four transverse veins towards the middle; the apex more transparent than the corium. Length of body 5 m m . ; width of pronotum 1| m m . ; length to tip of wing-cover 7-7^ m m . This species approaches nearest D. cultellator, Tweedie, but the head of the former is much shorter and wider, and the venation simple, not dense. TANGIA ANGUSTATA, sp. nov. Pale green, narrower than usual, the wing-covers slightly curving towards the base, with the costa almost straight from thence to the membrane. Head a little longer than wide, with the tip rounded, but hardly narrowed, the margins prominently reflexed, the middle line carinated, with its basal half triangularly divaricating; front long, the sides feebly sinuated and expanding somewhat triangularly before the tip, the middle line with a thick carina throughout; epistoma also carinate ; rostrum reaching to the middle coxa?. Pronotum about half as long as the head, almost of the form of a horse-shoe, the ends tapering posteriorly, the middle line acutely carinate. Mesonotum long, distinctly carinate on the middle line, the apex subovate, and the base triangularly narrowed with the end truncate. Hemelytra with simple straight veins, the inner discoidal vein only forking beyond the middle; no transverse veins on the corium, the longitudinal veins all forked at tip to form the boundary of the membrane, the membrane tapering a little on the inner apical border; the veins and cross-veins numerous and rather close-set, more or less dusky in the matured individuals. Posterior femora with three spines besides the pair on the tip. Length to end of venter 5 | m m . ; width of pronotum lh m m .; length to tip of wing-covers 7 m m . Two specimens were taken in St. Vincent, one of them on the windward side. Tbey are precisely like others which were secured on the island of Grenada. TANGIDIA, gen. nov. Similar to Tangia, but with a broad shield-like head and less symmetrical venation to the corium. Head with the eyes as broad as the front of pronotum, the vertex a little longer than wide, subsemicircular in front, with the lateral margins stoutly reflexed; the central carina A-shaped, with the tip touching the apex and set in a sunken surface ; front broad oval, nearly twice as long as its width, with reflexed margins and a carinate middle line. Pronotum somew7hat horseshoe-shaped, almost triangular in front, and carried deep into the notch in the head, A-carinate in the middle, the lateral prolongations tapering narrow posteriorly ; mesonotum much longer than wide, with carinate sides and middle line, the |