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Show PROCEEDINGS OF THE GENERAL MEETINGS FOR SCIENTIFIC BUSINESS OP THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. January 15, 1895. Dr. ST. GEOBGE MIVAET, F.E.S., Vice-President, in the Chair. Tbe Secretary read the following report on the additions to Society's Menagerie during the month of December 1894:- The total number of registered additions to the Society's Menagerie during the month of December was 55, of which 34 were by presentation, 1 by exchange, 12 by purchase, and 8 received on deposit. The total number of departures during the same period, by death and removals, was 109. Mr. Sclater called attention to the two Tapirs deposited in the Gardens by the Hon. "W. Rothschild, F.Z.S., the female on July 12th, 1893, and the male on Sept, 2, 1893, both entered in the Begister as Tapirus americanus. On further examination Mr. Sclater had come to the conclusion that these animals were probably referable to Dow's Tapir (Tapirus dowi), of Central America, of which an excellent coloured figure had been given in Godman and Salvin's ' Biologia Centrali-Americana,' Mammals, pi. ix. p. 104. Mr. P. Chalmers Mitchell, F.Z.S., exhibited and gave an account of a tibia and other bones of an extinct bird of the genus JEpyomis from Central Madagascar, which had been lent to him for exhibition by Mr. Joseph H. Fenn. "With these bones was associated a skull of a species of Hippopotamus. Professor G. B. Howes exhibited a photograph of an embryo PBOC. ZOOL. Soc-1895, No. I. 1 |