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Show 1895.] MR. H. H. DRUCE ON BORNEAN LYCEENIDEE. 613 The male described above is from Dr. Staudinger's collection, and has the same number of subcostal nervules in the fore wing as the female, but has two tails only in place of three. The type (a female) is now in Messrs. Godman and Salvin's collection, but is somewhat mutilated, having lost its head and fore legs. The figure given in the P. Z. S. is a fairly good one, excepting that the median line on the fore wing is too distinct. K. ( = S.) helena, Eober, Iris, i. pt. 3, p. 198, pi. ix. fig. 6, is a closely allied species (if, indeed, it is distinct), which appears to have the purple colour rather less extensive on both wings. BIDUANDA, Distant. Below will be found described two remarkably interesting new species of this genus, viz. B. similis and B. imitata, both of which agree exactly in venation wdth the type of the genus, B. thesmia, Hew., and possess three subcostal nervules to the fore wdng. They are remarkable in both being identical in other respects with two well-known species of the genus Marmessus *, Hubn.,-B. similis being like M. moorei, Distant, whilst B. imitata is again the facsimile of M. boisduvalii, Moore. Boisduval (Spec. Gener. i. pi. 22) figures both M. lisias, Fab. ( = M. boisduvalii, Moore), and M. ra-vindra, Horsf., with three subcostal nervules to the fore wing; but as these drawings are obviously incorrect-the costal nervure appearing to be given off from the subcostal nervure-I do not think any reliance can be placed upon them, at any rate M. ravindra and M. boisduvalii, as we now know them, have not this third subcostal nervule. BlDUANDA THESMIA. Myrina thesmia, Hew. 111. Diurn. Lep., Lye. p. 32, pi. xiv. figs. 25-27 (1863). Labuan (Low) ; Sarawak (Wallace, Wahnes). Messrs. Godman and Salvin's collection contains two female specimens, which agree with Hewitson's type and also with a Sumatran female. Wahnes has also sent it to Dr. Staudinger from Labuan. Var. UNICOLOR. Sithon thesmia, var. unicolor, Staud. Iris, ii. p. Ill (1889). Labuan (Low); Sandakan (Pryer); Elopura (Pryer); Kudat (Mus. Druce) ; Kina Balu ( Waterstr.). This appears to be the common form in Borneo and agrees exactly with Dr. Staudinger's type from Palawan. Some females are entirely without the white scales at the anal angle of the hind wings. It is distinguished from tbe typical form by the underside being dull reddish brown in place of rufous orange. 1 Mr. de Niceville states that this name should be used in place of Drupadia Moore. |