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Show 1895.] FROM WESTERN SOMALI-LAND. 501 uniform like R. cabanisi, which, however, is easily recognized the absence of the white band on the quills. Riippell discovered this Wood-Hoopoe in Shoa, and Antinori met with the species in the country of the Adda Galas, but not in Shoa proper. It has, however, been obtained at Sodde by Dr. Ragazzi. To the south its place appears to be taken by R. cabanisi. Fam. MEROPID,E. 127. MEROPS APIASTER. Merops apiaster, Linn. ; Heugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. i. p. 196 (1869) Salvad. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) i. p. 107 (1884); Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. xvii. p. 63 (1892) ; id. Ibis, 1892, p. 319 ; Reichen. Vog. Deutsch-Ostafr. p. 135 (1894). A. o* ad. Luku, Sept. 18, 1894. Iris reddish brown. A migrant throughout N.E. Africa, according to Heuglin, from the end of March to the early part of May, and from August to October, mostly in companies. In Arabia Petraea and in Central Egypt he believes that it breeds in May. Antinori met with it in Shoa, passing south in August, aud also obtained one specimen in October. It was found by Mr. Jackson in Ukambani and also in Sotik. Dr. Reichenow records it from Dar-es-Salaam, Kakoma, Wualaba, Ugalla, and Igonda. 128. MEROPS NUBICUS. Merops nubicus, Gm.; Heugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. i. p. 199 (1869); Salvad. Ann. Mus. Genov., (2) i. p. 108, (1884); Shelley, Ibis, 1885, p. 397 ; Oust. Bibl. Ecole Hautes Etudes, xxxi. no. 10, p. 4 (1886); Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. xvii. p. 85 (1892); Salvad. Mem. R. Accad. Torino, (2) xliv. p. 552 (1894); Reichen. Vog. Deutsch-Ost-Afr. p. 135 (1894). a, b. 2 ad. Tooloo, Jan. 13, 1895. Iris dark red. Heuglin says that this species is found in the warmer parts of Abyssinia, ascending to 6000 or 7000 feet He found it common in Takah, Senar, Kordofan, and along the White Nile, sometimes occurring in flocks of thousands. It breeds at the commencement of the summer rainy season, in the Negro-lands of the Upper Nile in March and April, and in the Eastern Sudan between June and August. Antinori says that in Shoa it is a migrant, passing in small flocks: he obtained it from September to January. Dr. Reichenow records the species from the Pangani River. 129. MELITTOPHAGUS CYANOSTICTUS. Melittophagus pusillus cyanostictus, Shelley, Ibis, 1885, p. ,398. Merops cyanostictus (Cab.); Oust. Bibl. Ecole Hautes Etudes, xxxi. art. 10, p. 4 (1886). Melittophagus cyanostictus, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) i. p. (1884), vi. p. 221 (1888) ; Sharpe, Ibis, 1892, p. 319; id. Cat. B. Brit. Mus. xvii. p. 48, pi. i. fig. 3 (1892); Reichen. Vog. Deutsch- |