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Show 1895.] HYMENOPTERA OF THE ISLAND OF GRENADA. 797 distinguished from all others placed in this genus by the yellow petiole and its highly polished impunctured surface. HOPLOGRYON, Ashmead. HOPLOGRYON PALLIPES, Sp. n. 2 • Length 0*8 m m . Black, shining; scape, pedicel, legs, including coxae, mandibles, and first abdominal segment yellow; flagellum brown-black. Head transverse, smooth, polished, impunctate; mesonotum posteriorly and the scutellum faintly, microscopically punctate ; metathorax with a piceous tinge. Wings hyaline, extending slightly beyond the apex of abdomen, the venation light brown. Abdomen, except first segment, smooth, polished; first segment yellow, striated. Mount Gay Estate. Described from one female specimen. Tribe SCELIONINI. CALOTELEIA, Westwood. (1) C A L O T E L E I A DORSALIS, sp. n. 2 . Length 2*2 m m . Opaque, black, the mesonotum, scape, pedicel, legs, petiole of abdomen beneath, and the base of the third ventral segment brownish yellow. Head transverse, twice as wide as thick antero-posteriorly, closely punctate; eyes sparsely pubescent; antennae 12-jointed, clavate, the scape about as long as the pedicel and funicle united ; first funicular joint about as long as the pedicel; joints 2 to 4 moniliform, the fourth a little transverse and a little smaller than the third ; club large, fusiform, 6-jointed. Thorax without furrows, closely punctate, the metathorax with acute lateral tubercles ; wings hyaline, iridescent, not extending quite to the tip of the abdomen, the venation light brown. Abdomen fusiform, about one and a half times as long as the head and thorax united, smooth and polished, except the petiole, which is striated; the horn at base is quite short. Balthazar. Described from one female specimen. (2) CALOTELEIA STRIATIFRONS, sp. n. 2 • Length 3 m m . Black, shining; collar piceous ; scape and legs brownish yellow. Head on vertex and the frons coarsely, longitudinally striated, the occiput transversely striated; flagellum twice as long as the scape, the first joint 5 longer than the pedicel, the second joint twice as long as thick, fourth and fifth not longer than thick ; club subfusifrom, 6-jointed, the joints, except the last, transverse-quadrate. Thorax with distinct parapsidal furrows, the surface anteriorly sparsely punctate and faintly shagreened posteriorly, while the scutellum is smooth, impunctate. Wings hyaline, P R O C . Z O O L . Soc-1895, N o . LI. 51 |