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Show Type. 902 MR. G. F. HAMPSON ON THE CLASSIFICATION [Dec. 17, Fig. 2. Gonothyris hyaloplaya, cf. \. fGONOTHYRIS HYALOPLAGA, n. sp. o" • Bright vinous red; palpi slightly marked with white; vertex of head whitish ; abdomen with white band on 3rd segment; underside of thorax and abdomen and the legs pure white, the fore tibia and tips of the spurs rufous. Fore wing with indistinct curved subbasal line with grey speck on it at costa; an oblique antemedial line arising from an outwardly oblique white costal fascia ; a short medial white fascia on costa; a very large hyaline lunule in end of cell, with white speck beyond lower angle ; a post-medial line running out to a very acute angle on vein 7, the costal area beyond it white, and the outer area grey down to vein 2; a marginal series of red spots ; the cilia pale with their bases red, red also below apex and at the angle. Hind wing deeper vinous red, with oblique dark medial line. Underside white ; the outer area of fore wing brownish ; both wings with minutely dentate postmedial line arising from a dark spot on the costa. Hab. Rio Janeiro, Brazil. Exp. 30 m m. Genus CACOGRAPHIS. Cacographis, Led. Wien. ent. M o n . 1863, p. 360. Zazanisa, Wlk. xxxiii. 1106 (1865). Palpi obliquely upturned, the 2nd joint moderately scaled in front, the 3rd thick; maxillary palpi somewhat dilated with scales; frons oblique and heavily scaled; antennae of male very much thickened and flattened, with appressed serrations ; spurs long and nearly equal. Fore wing broad, the outer margin nearly evenly curved ; vein 3 from before angle of cell; 4, 5 from angle; 7 well separated from 8, 9, which are on a very long stalk; 10, 11 free. Hind wing with veins 3, 4, 5 from near angle of cell; 6, 7 from upper angle. Fig. 3. i T Cacographis osteolalis, cf. Type. C A C O G R A P H I S OSTEOLALIS, Led. Wien. ent. M o n . 1863, p. 360. Bogoti; Venezuela. tZazanisa specularis, Wlk. xxxiii. 1107. |