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Show 604 MR. H. H. DRUCE ON BORNEAN LYCEENIDEE. [Julie 18, HYPOLYCEENA SKAPANE, sp. n. (Plate XXXIII. figs. 16 cf, 17 2 •) cf. Upperside dull brownish purple; apex of fore wing and costal margin of hind wing rather broadly brown ; outer margin of fore wing narrowly brown. Anal fold greyish brown; a black spot on the lobe outwardly bordered with wdiite. Cilia brown except in anal region, where it is wdiite. Tails black, bordered with white. Underside pearly grey, coloured and marked much like Z. etolus, Fab., but without the black spot on the costal margin of the hind wing and with the band of the fore wing straighter, narrower, and more distinctly outer-edged with whitish, whilst on the hind wing the band, which in Z. etolus becomes linear and black towards the anal margin, is in this species yellow, of about equal width, and narrowly edged on both sides with black. The large black spot on the outer margin of hind wing between the first and second median nervules is bordered with orange on its inner and lower edges. 2. Upperside uniform blackish; anal angular area rather broadly white, containing a series of four marginal black spots, alternately large and small, the first, in the lobe, being large. Underside as male, but brighter. A tuft of the cilia in both sexes is considerably elongated at the extreme anal angle, thus giving the insect the appearance of having a third, but very short tail. Expanse, cf I-5-, 2 lyV incn- Kina Balu ( Waterstr.). Types Mus. Staud. I have compared this species to Z. etolus on the underside, but it is perhaps more like H. thecloides on that surface, but very different above. It is much smaller than the average H. erylus. It is also not unlike the Chliaria merguia as figured by M r . Doherty *, but on the upperside the blue is much darker and not distinctly defined in the fore wing, and on the underside the band of the fore wing is straighter and the black spot between the median nervules is larger and also edged with orange ; this is not shown in M r . Doherty's figure, although he describes it as being present. HYPOLYCEENA PHEMIS, sp. n. (Plate XXXIII. fig. 18 cf .) J. Upperside rather dull slaty blue, but in some lights rich light purple-blue, much the colour of the darker blue on Chliaria kina, Hew., darkest in the fore wing. Costal apex and outer margin of fore wing and costal margin of hind wdng blackish. Anal fold greyish white. A black spot in tbe lobe and two indistinctly defined marginal spots above it. Tails black wdth white borders; cilia as usual. Underside differs from Z. etolus, Fabr., only by the yellow apices being less extensive and much browner, by the black spot on the costa of the hind wdng being replaced by a minute yellowdsh spot, by the double markings closing the cells being very inconspicuous, and by the band on the hind wdng continuing wide where it is angled and broken towards the 1 Chliaria merguia, Doherty, J. A. S. B. lviii. p. 427, pi. xxiii. fig, 2 (1889). |