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Show 68 PBOF. P. R. UHLER-ENUMERATION OF THE [Jan. 15, Veins of the wings mostly brown. Borders of segments of the abdomen slenderly white, both above and below, exterior edge of the connexivum also whitish. Tip of the venter densely loaded with white flocculent matter. Length to end of abdomen 5 m m . ; expanse of wing-covers 12| mm. Only a single specimen of this neat-looking species was secured on this occasion. This genus resembles Mnemosyne, Stal, in the shape of the vertex, but differs in the type of pronotum as well as in the venation of the wing-covers. CHEILOCEPS, gen. nov. General form of fssus, with the wing-covers longer than wide, a little tapering towards the tip, and the tip obliquely truncated. Head narrower than the pronotum, the vertex subquadrangular, a little longer than wide, scooped out, the prominent keeled margins projecting a little beyond and above the eyes, the middle line with a slight keel; the base of head triangularly emarginated. Eyes very large, longer than wide. Front of medium width, growing wider next the clypeus, with each side raised into a liguliform relief wmich ends below in a button, middle of the front depressed, oval, carinate on the middle line; clypeus placed diagonally, convex on the middle, carinated, with the lateral margins curved near the base, acutely tapering towards the tip ; the base prominent, and a little excavated on the margin. Pronotum a little shorter than the head, but wider than the diameter across the eyes, triangular, let into the base of the head, slender behind the eyes, but expanding beneath them. Mesonotal shield obtriangular, wider than long, with a transverse carina at base, from which a short carina runs back on either side ; the scutellum small, acute. Wing-covers moderately narrow, the costal membrane at base wide but not abruptly expanded, longitudinal veins carried through to the tip and curving forward there ; transverse veins few, mostly placed on the apical third, the radial vein forked and curved at tip ; the costal areole crossed by numerous veins beyond the middle. Wings long and wide, cleft, with few and mostly large areoles, the accessory membrane a little longer than the abdomen without the genitalia. Posterior tibia? armed with two spines. Abdomen broad, a little depressed, interruptedly carinate on the middle of tergum. CHEILOCEPS MUSCA, sp. nov. Fulvous, paler on the wing-covers. Middle of the vertex and ground-colour of the front and clypeus pale smoke-brown; lateral margins of the vertex tinged with rufous, the other margins and carina pale testaceous; the raised sides of the front yellowish irregularly spotted with dark brown, and the underside of the buttons especially brown ; a whitish band crosses the upper portion |