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Show 1895.] HYMENOPTERA OF T H E ISLAND OF GRENADA, 787 .. EPYRIS, Westw. EPYRIS PYGMEEUS, sp. n. o*. Length 1*5 m m . Black, subopaque, finely coriaceous; legs piceous; trochanters, tibiae, and tarsi brownish yellow; wings subhyaline, pubescent, the venation brown; tegulae brownish yellow. Antennae 13-jointed, as long as the body, black, pubescent; pedicel and first flagellar joint equal in length, two-thirds the length of the second, the joints beyond the second as far as to the penultimate imperceptibly shortening, the la6t joint longer, as long as the second. Pronotum long, trapezoidal; mesonotum short, transverse, with two delicately grooved lines anteriorly ; mesopleura convex, with a fovea above the middle ; metanotum longer than wide, quadrate. Abdomen oblong-oval, polished, depressed, the petiole longer than thick, grooved above. Mount Gay Estate. Described from one male specimen. GONIOZUS, Forster. (1) GONIOZUS NIGRLFEMUR, Ashm. I.e. p. 195. St. George's. One female specimen, which is a little smaller than the type. (2) GONIOZUS INCOMPLETES, Ashm. 1. c. p. 196. Mount Gay Estate. One female specimen. Subfamily DRYININ^E. APHELOPTJS, Dalman. APHELOPUS ALBOPICTUS, Ashm. Monogr. N. A. Proct. p. 101. Balthazar and St. John's Eiver. Three male specimens. Subfamily CERAPHRONINJE. Tribe CERAPHRONINI. CERAPHRON, Jurine. Table of Species. Black; legs and antennse, except sometimes the flagellum, brownish yellow. Head and thorax smooth, shining 2. Head and thorax opaque or subopaque, punctate. Head and thorax opaque, closely minutely punctulate; flagellum brown-black, subclavate, the pedicel one-third longer than the first flagellar joint, the following joints gradually increasing in size, quadrate, the last ovate, large C. grenadensis. Head and thorax subopaque, sparsely punctate; flagellum brown-black, subclavate, the pedicel as long as the first and second flagellar joints united, joints 2 to 5 a little wider than long, 6-7 longer than wide, the last ovate C. |