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Show 794 MR. W. H. ASHMEAD-REPORT ON THE PARASITIC [Nov. 19, brownish yellow; wings hyaline, ciliated, the venation pale, the marginal vein about one-third the length of the stigmal. Head broad, a little more than 3 times as wide as thick antero-posteriorly; antennae 11-jointed, the flagellum, excluding pedicel, about 1 ^ times as long as the scape ; first funicular joint scarcely longer than thick, shorter than the pedicel, second joint not longer than thick, third and fourth smaller, transverse ; club 5-jointed, the joints, except the last, transverse-quadrate. Abdomen truncate at tip, the first segment and the second at the suture striated, third segment a little longer than wide at apex. In the male the flagellum is filiform, brown, the first and second joints about equal in length, a little longer than thick, the third and following, except the last, moniliform, the last conical. Balthazar, Mount Gay Estate, St. George's. (8) TELENOMUS NIGRICLAVATUS, sp. n. 2 . Length 0*8 to 0*9 m m . Black, shining, the mesonotum subopaque, minutely punctate, the second abdominal segment more or less rufous or piceous above • antennae, except the club, and the legs yellow; wings hyaline, ciliated, the venation pale yellowish, the marginal vein about one-third the length of the stigmal. Head transverse, about 3 times as wide as thick antero-posteriorly ; antennae 11-jointed, the flagellum, with the pedicel, only about 1| times as long as the scape; first joint of funicle about two-thirds the length of the pedicel, the second not longer than thick, the third moniliform, the fourth subquadrate, much broader than the third ; club 5-jointed, the joints, except the last, transverse-quadrate, the first a little the longest, the last conical. Abdomen subtruncate at apex, the first segment transverse, striated, second segment about 14 times as long as wide at apex. Balthazar, Grand Etang, and Mount Gay Estate. Described from eight female specimens. (9) TELENOMUS FUSCICORNIS, sp. n. $. Length 0*8 m m . Polished black, impunctate; antennae fuscous or brownish black ; legs brownish yellow ; wings hyaline, ciliated, the venation light brown, the marginal vein very short. Head transverse, a little more than 3 times as wide as thick antero-posteriorly ; antennae 11-jointed, the flagellum about l 1 times as long as the scape; first funicular joint about 1^ times as long as thick, or a little shorter than the pedicel, the second not longer than thick, the third minute, transverse, not so wide as the preceding, the fourth larger, transverse ; club 5-jointed, the joints, except the last, transverse, the second and third the widest joints, the last conical. Abdomen scarcely as long as the thorax, oval the second segment a little wider than long at apex. d. Length 0*7 m m . Differs from the female in having 12- jointed, filiform antennae, which are about as long as the abdomen and tapering slightly toward apex, the first and third flagellar joints being no longer than wide, the first being the stouter, the second a |