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Show 632 DR. A. G. BUTLER ON BUTTERFLIES FROM [June 18, wings, having on the left-hand wing somewhat the outline of the letter P ; fringe of abdominal margin of secondaries sordid white; two black submarginal spots above the anal lobes, that above the tailed lobe large and enclosing a conspicuous metallic ultramarine transverse spot, that above the inner lobe partly enclosing a metallic golden-green spot, tinted along its upper edge with blue; tail black, tipped wdth white : body blackish, clothed in front with slaty-grey hairs, behind, but especially at the sides, with silvery brownish hairs, abdominal segments very slenderly edged with whitish; antennae black, slenderly ringed with wdiite to the base of the clavus ; palpi long, black with a white lateral stripe, the broad fringes formed of mixed white and black hairs ; pectus and venter white; legs white, barred with black. Wings below chalky white: primaries with an 8-shaped black basal patch (which in the female becomes a 3), three clay-reddish bands commencing in partly blackish annular markings on the costa, uniting into a broad argillaceous patch below tbe cell; all the other markings very nearly as in U. cordaium, Sharpe, but much heavier in character, the fourth band of the primaries being also continued across these wings by the addition of two argillaceous spots almost touching the outer edge of the patch of that colour; the black spot above tbe tail of secondaries united on its outer edge to a metallic tricoloured ••j-shaped patch, the projecting parts of which are blue, and the enclosed portion fiery copper, shading at the edges into green; anal spot edged on one side by an oblique blue and copper dash. Expanse of wdngs 42 millim. 2 slightly larger, more rufous, almost argillaceous, the primaries with the whole surface, excepting the costal and external areas, brilliant Morpho-hlue ; a transverse narrow 8-shaped bar across the cell, a quadrate patch at the end of the cell, a series of six subconfluent spots across the disc, interrupted at second median nervule, and the outer border black : secondaries with an annular series of blackish spots as follows-two closing the cell, three in a curved series beyond the cell, and one near the base of the subcostal areole; a few other spots vaguely showing through from the under surface ; margin of wdng blackish; fringes, metallic spots, tails, and pattern of under surface as in the male. Expanse of wings 45 millim. Kasungu Mountain, Nyika, west of Lake Nvasa, Sept. 2nd, 1893. " Giant Blue " (R. ft). . M r . Crawshay has the following note on this lovely species :- " No. 2 is a Blue, also from Kasungu, and from nearly the top of the mountain. It seems fairly plentiful, at least I saw perhaps ten or a dozen, of which I took four. It is of rapid, buzzing, humming-bird, moth-like flight, and feeds restlessly, hovering almost the whole time. The sunny side of flowering trees and shrubs is its favourite haunt; as long as the sun is bright it is very restless and active. It is a Blue, and yet does not feed in the deliberate way in which the majority of Blues feed; its wdngs are never at rest," |