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Show 628 DR. A. G. BUTLER ON BUTTERFLIES FROM [June 18, two days west from here (Deep Bay, Lake Nyasa). Some few of the specimens I send should prove new on account of the high altitude from which they come. Several are from an altitude of 7000 feet or so, the highest plateau-land (Mlanji Mountain excepted) anywhere in B. C. Africa, I fancy. I have numbered each species in its paper, and have given as well (in brackets) the number of the individual specimens of each, locality, date of capture, and some rough distinguishing name for m y own guidance. A few notes on what seem to m e the most interesting insects may be of use." These notes I propose to quote under the species to which they refer, as thereby no confusion can by any possibility arise. The Danainee and Satyrinee are unrepresented in the present little series. 1. JUNONIA TUGELA. Precis tugela, Trimen, S. Afr. Butt. p. 241, pi. iv. fig. 5. 2 . Foot of Nyika Plateau, west of Lake Nyasa, Sept. 6th, 1893. "Tortoiseshell"(i2. ft). W h e n describing the allied J. aurorina, I compared it with J", sinuata; it is, however, more nearly related to J. kowari from the Cameroons, differing in the narrower truncated (not falcated) apex of the primaries, and longer, more tapering secondaries, in the tawny markings in the cell of primaries, the much narrower discal belt, which is distinctly paler, much less red, and less suffused with pink, also in the deep incision in this band formed by the strong and prominent angulation of the brown basal area of the anterior wings. Comparing our four examples with the four specimens of J. kowari in tbe Hewitson collection, I find all these characters absolutely constant. 2. PYRAMEIS CARDUI. Papilio cardui, Linnaeus, Faun. Suec. p. 276 (1761). cf, Kantorongondo Mountain, Nyika, west of Lake Nyasa, Sept. 18th, 1893. " Painted Lady " (R. ft). 3. EUPHEEDRA CRAWSHAYI, sp. n. (Plate XXXV. fig. 3.) cf. Allied to E. zaddachii and E. elephantina, but differing from both in the broader and more regular ochreous bands on the primaries, with other characters to be described: primaries greenish black, glossed with bright green at base ; an oblique broad ochreous trifid band just before the middle, from subcostal vein to middle of interno-median areole, a second oblique quadrifid band (pale pinky ochreous or flesh-coloured) limiting the apical area, and of nearly uniform width throughout; fringe flecked and tipped with white : secondaries greenish black at base, costal border purplish slate-colour ; subcostal area ochraceous ; discoidal cell, almost to extremity, veins, and basal half of interno-median area bright golden ochreous; abdominal border pale ochreous brownish or testaceous, shading into smoky brown at anal angle |