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Show 600 MR. H. H. DRUCE ON BORNEAN LYCEENIDEE. [June 18, TAJURIA DOMINUS, sp. n. (Plate XXXIII. fig. 12 ci*.) o*. Upperside brilliant shining cerulean blue, much like P. cleobis, Godt., but more opalescent; fore wdng wdth the apex broadly black and with a quadrate black " sexual mark " occupying rather more than the outer half of the cell; hind wing-costal margin greyish, darker towards the apex, which is black. Underside differs from P. cleobis by the ground-colour being darker, the linear band being placed closer in, the black spots at the anal angle being much larger, and the yellow being much more extensive and confluent. The patch between the spots is dusted with metallic scales. Expanse If inch. Kina Balu (Waterstr.). T. dominus is allied to T. melastigma ', de Nicev., but in that species the " sexual mark " is placed beyond the cell. It is also much like T. cleoboides2, Elwes, which is described as possessing only two subcostal nervules to the fore wdng, whilst T. dominus has three. Messrs. Godman and Salvin possess a specimen, wdiich I believe to be referable to T. dominus, which differs only from the type on the underside by the black spots being smaller and the yellow less extensive ; it is labelled " Burmah." TAJURIA MANTRA. Myrina mantra, Feld. Eeise Novara, Lep. vol. ii. p. 238, pi. xxx. fig. 14 (1865). Iolaus mantra, Druce, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 351. Iolaus cyrinus, Staud. M S . Kina Balu ( Waterstr.) ; Labuan (Low). T. mantra is a common insect in Borneo. TAJURIA CYRUS, sp. n. (Plate XXXIII. figs. 10 d, 11 2 •) Iolaus cyrus, Staud. M S . d. Allied to T. mantra, Felder, but larger, and the outer margin of fore wing convex. Upperside blue, slightly paler, without the opalescence, and more extensive in both wings ; a black spot in the lobe crowned wdth orange. Underside differs from that of T. mantra d by the ground being much paler, by the linear band of the fore wing being narrower and indistinct, by the inner margin of the fore wing being broadly white for nearly its whole length, and by the orange patches at the anal angle of the hind wing being of a deeper shade. 2 • Differs from the male by the blue being of a slightly paler shade and considerably more extensive in the fore wing; the black 1 T. melastigma, de Nicev,. P. Z. S. 1887, pi. xl. fig. 1. 2 T. cleoboides, Elwes, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 637, pi. xliv. figs. 4, 5. T. melastigma is described as having the " sexual mark " shining black, but in the figure it is shown as pale brown, much the colour of the underside. T. cleoboides is described as having " a large round velvet patch free from blue scales in the cell of the fore wing"-presumably a black patch; but this does not appear in the figure of the insect, |