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Show 262 DR. A. G. B U T L E B O N LEPIDOPTEEA [Mar. 19, A. acrita and A. pudorina, Staud.: the latter therefore can only be regarded as an imperfectly isolated race of A. acrita. 45. ACBJEA, sp. inc. A somewhat melanistic female specimen, having the primaries very like A. acrita on both surfaces ; but the pattern and coloration of the under surface of the secondaries curiously like A. anacreon, with the central rosy band well developed. It would be rash to describe it on this single example, without carefully studying the whole of the species, as it may prove to be an aberrant example of some described species; but, so far, I have failed to identify it. At first I supposed it to be the female of M . Oberthiir's A. chceribula, but a careful comparison with the male of that species proves clearly that it is distinct. Fwambo. 46. ACB^EA NATALICA. Acrcea natalica, Boisduval, Voy. de Deleg. p. 590 (1847). 3, Zomba. 47. ACBJEA AEECA. Acrcea areca, Mabille, Bull. Soc. Ent. France, 1888, p. clxix: Nov. Lep. p. 100, pi. xiv. fig. 5 (1893). 3 3, Zomba. 48. AL.ENA AUEANTIACA, sp. n. (Plate XV. fig. 4.) Bright orange above; the cell of primaries black, leaving a triangular subbasal spot and a quadrate subterminal spot of orange; costal border black, with a fine basal orange streak; base, nervures, one or two spots near the base below origin of first median branch and internal border black; external border rather more broadly black, widest at apex, its inner edge sinuated between the nervures ; base of the secondaries occupied by a broad irregular black blotch; a black spot on upper discocellular; veins partly black, outer border broadly black : body black ; collar tufted at the sides with orange ; abdomen orange at the sides. Under surface with the black slightly more restricted than above, the costa of primaries streaked with ochreous, the outer border interrupted by two rows of cream-coloured spots, the inner row irregular, abbreviated, consisting of five oval spots, the outer regular, of seven : secondaries-tbe basal black patch interrupted by two rows of creamy spots, the inner consisting of four, the outer of two spots; external border enclosing two series of eight creamy-white spots: body black, legs and sides of abdomen orange. Expanse of wings 34 millim. T w o examples (one much damaged), Fwambo. In the pattern of the upper surface this pretty little species is nearest to A. amazoula, but the under surface more nearly approaches A. interposita. |