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Show 1895.] BOBNEO A N D N E I G H B O U R I N G ISLANDS. 119 Only two specimens of this species were collected. It is about •the same size as G. borneensis, but differs from that species in colour, in the much stronger spiral stria?, and more rapidly enlarged whorls. In one example the extreme edge of the peristome, which is reddish, is quite sharp, but it is soon thickened on the outside by a conspicuous ridge. In the second specimen the lip is dirty whitish and rather more expanded. 60. CYCLOPHORUS COCHRANEI, Godwin-Austen. (Plate IV. fig. 2.) Cycloplwrus cochranei, G.-A., Proc. Zool. Soc. 1889, p. 334. Hab. Meri, Sarawak (C. Hose); Busau and Niah (A. Everett). This species has the body-whorl on the left side above the periphery more or less flattened, and has rather a humpy or shouldered appearance near the suture. This species, C. talboti, and G. borneensis probably pass one into the other, although the representative forms are recognizable enough. Two of the specimens from Meri are of a pale pinkish-brown colour, with a darker broad infra-peripheral zone. The third example is entirely white beneath an olive epidermis. The latter form closely resembles the variety ochracea. 61. LEPTOPOMA GEOTROCHIFORME. (Plate IV. fig. 3.) Testa fere obtecte perforata, trochoidea, ad peripheriam acute carinata, subtus planiuscula, alba; spira conica, acuta ; anfractus 6, celeriter crescentes, leviter convexi, spiraliter tenuiter lineisque incrementi obliquis, flexuosis, tenuissimis sculpti, ultimus supra et infra carinam concave com,pressus,anticehaud descendens; apertura subcircularis ; peristoma duplex, margine externo tenui expanso, ad angulum acuminalo, latiore supra quam infra, intemo continuo, paulo incrassato. Diam.maj. 22 millim., min. 17, alt. 20 ; apertura intus 9 longa, 9| lata. Hab. Mount Rabong, West Sarawak. This species has a considerable resemblance to L. undatum, Metcalfe, and L. niahense, Godwin-Austen2 It is at once distinguished from the latter by the absence of the constriction behind the labrum, the double peristome, the almost concealed umbilicus, the more convex whorls, and slightly finer sculpture. L. undatum also has the body-whorl constricted behind the lip, but the peripheral keel becomes obsolete a little from it, so that there is hardly any acumination on the right of the aperture as in the present species and L. niahense. L. undatum is more openly umbilicated and has not a double peristome. 62. LEPTOPOMA SKERTCHLYI. (Plate IV. fig. 4.) Testa L. undato similis, sed minor, carina peripherali usque ad labrum continua, anfractu ultimo pone aperturam haud constricto, 1 Erroneously described as a Helix of the section Geotrochus (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1891, p. 44). |