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Show 110 ME. E. A. SMITH ON LAND-SHELLS FEOM [Feb. 5, Diam. 7 millim., alt. 4. Hab. Balabac. The perforation is very small and partly hidden by the reflexed columellar margin, which is peculiarly produced and sinuated at this part. It is more depressed than L. myops, the whorls are more convex and the suture deeper. 28. LAMPEOCYSTIS ST. JOHNI (Godwin-Austen). Microcystina st. johni, Godwin-Austen, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1891, p. 38, pi. iv. figs. 3, 3 a. Hab. Busau Hills and Palawan. The specimens from Palawan are a little darker in tint than the type from Busau, but the intensity of the colour varies considerably according to the ground-colour upon which the specimens rest. 29. SITALA EUMBANGENSIS. (Plate III. fig. 7.) Testa vix perforata, conica, fusco-cornea, nitida, ad peripheriam filo-carinata, lineis incrementi levibus striata, inferne striis concentricis tenuissimis sculpita ; spira obtuse conoidalis; anfractus 6, convexi, lentea ccrescentes, sutura carina saturatiore marginata sejuncti ; apertura parva, lunata ; peristoma tenue, margine columellari fortiter incrassato, leviter reflexo. Diam. maj. 4'5 millim., min. 4, alt. 4*5. Hab. Rumbang, Sarawak, and Mount Eabong. Var. Testa typo paulo angustior, anfractibus 6^- striisque basalibus minus conspicuis. Diam. maj. 3 3 millim., min. 3*2, alt. 4. Hab. Mulu Sfountain, N. Borneo. The superior height in proportion to the diameter gives the variety a more conoidal appearance than the type. In all other respects they are practically similar. It is distinguishable from S. angulata, Issel, by the absence of spiral stria? above, its more glossy surface, the more distinct thread-like keel, and the more thickened columella. 30. SITALA DEMISSA. (Plate III. fig. 8.) Testa tenuissima, pellucida, cornea, angustissime perforata, turbinata; anfractus b,convexiusculi,spiraliterminutestriati, lineisque incrementi perobliquis tenuissimis sculpti, ultimus paulo inflatus, ad peripheriam carina flliformi cinctus, supra et infra carinam cequaliter convexus ; apertura oblique lunata ; peristoma tenue ; columella ad insertionem paulum incrassata et reflexa. Diam. maj. 3*5 millim., alt. 3'5. Hab. Mulu Mountain, N . Borneo ; and Busau, West Sarawak. The more inflated body-whorl distinguishes this from the other Bornean species of Sitala. Both the upper and lower surfaces are finely spirally striated, the stria? on the base having a minutely wavy appearance. |