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Show 1895.] BOBNEO AND NEIGHBOUBING ISLANDS. 107 Hab. Poch Mountain, Sarawak. Less depressed and more solid than E. consul and with scarcely any umbilical perforation. The coloration is similar in both species. The figures of E. consul (Pfeiffer, Novit. Conch, vol. iii. pi. lxxiv. figs. 11, 12) give an admirable idea of the adult form of the species. The type originally described was not quite full-grown and consists of half a whorl less than the shell delineated. 17. EVEEETTIA CONSUL (Pfeiffer). Helix consul, Pfr. Novitates Conch, vol. iii. p. 306, pi. lxxiv. figs. 11, 12 (not 13, 14, as quoted by Martens, Godwin-Austen, and Issel); Peeve, Con. Icon. fig. 1395. Hab. Sarawak (the type); Labuan (Pfr. I. c.) ; Sarawak (A. Everett). The large specimen figured by Pfeiffer I regard as the adult form, and not as a variety. With the exception of having completed an additional half-whorl, and thus added considerably to its size, I can discover no difference between it and the type shell. 18. EVEEETTIA SUBCONSUL (Smith). Nanina subconsul, Smith, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1887, vol. xx. p. 132. Macrochlamys subconsul, Smith, Ann. Soc. Eoy. Malac. Belgique, vol. xxii. p. 217, pi. ix. figs. 4-6. Hab. North Borneo (type); Banguey and Mengalun Islands, also Kina Balu (Everett). The specimens obtained at Kina Balu exhibit a somewhat more distinct angulation upon the body-whorl than tbe type. Two examples from Mengalun Island are much more thickened than the type, probably being older shells, and one of them is of a rich brown colour, the other of an olivaceous yellow tint. 19. EVEEETTIA JUCUNDA (Pfeiffer). Helix jucunda, Pfr. Novitat. Conch, vol. iii. p. 307, pi. lxxiv. figs. 13, 14 (not figs. 11, 12, as quoted by Martens, Issel, and Godwin-Austen). Hab. Labuan (type); Labuan and Tiga Island (Everett), Baram in Sarawak (C Hose). The figure given by Martens (Preuss. Exped. Ost-Asien, Zool. Bd. ii. pi. xii. fig. 7) appears to represent this species, although on close examination it is seen to consist of about one whorl less than the type; but perfect accuracy in a matter of this kind is not to be expected from the average artist. 20. EVEEETTIA PLANIOE. (Plate III. fig. 2.) Testa E. consuli similis, sed minor, spira minus elata, anfractibus minus numerosis, ultimo latiore. Diam. maj. 19'5 millim., min. 17, alt. 10. Hab. Niah, Sarawak. The above dimensions are those of the largest of the eight |