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Show 20 ME. F. CHAPMAN ON SOME [Jan. 15, CHEYSALIDINA, d'Orbigny. 89. CHEYSALIDINA DIMOEPHA, Brady. Ghrysalidina dimorpha, Brady, 1884, Chall. Eep. vol. ix. p. 388, pi. xlvi. figs. 20, 21. This species is usually met with in shallow-water deposits, near coral-islands, and also in shore-sands (Brady). Found in Sample No. 2, rare ; No. 5, very rare. GAUDEYINA, d'Orbigny. 90. GAUDEYINA PUPOIDES, d'Orb. Gaudryina pupoides, Brady, 1884, Chall. Eep. vol. ix. p. 378, pi. xlvi. figs. 1-4. Found in Sample No. 1, rare; No. 4, very rare ; No. 6, very rare. 91. GAUDEYINA EUGOSA, d'Orb. Gaudryina rugosa, Brady, 1884, Chall. Eep. vol. ix. p. 381, pi. xlvi. figs. 14-16. The specimens from the Arabian Sea gatherings are extremely large (about ^ inch in length) and well developed. Found in Sample No. 1, frequent; No. 3, rare ; No. 4, common ; No. 6, frequent. 92. GAUDEYINA SUBEOTUNDATA, Schwager. Gaudryina subrotundata, Schwager, 1866, Novara-Exped., geol. Theil, vol. ii. p. 198, pi. iv. fig. 9 a-c; Brady, 1884, Chall. Eep. vol. ix. p. 380, pi. xlvi. fig. 13 a-c. This form was first described by Schwager from the fossil specimens of the Pliocene beds of Kar Nicobar. It has also been found fossil in Miocene beds of Baden (67. proflonga, Karrer). As a recent form it has been recorded from soundings off Culebra Island at 390 fathoms, and off Eaine Island at 155 fathoms (Brady). Found in Sample No. 1, common ; No. 4, frequent; No. 6 common. 93. GAUDRYINA BACCATA, Schwager. Gaudryina baccata, Schwager, 1866, Novara-Exped., o-eol Theil vol. ii. p. 200, pi. iv. fig. 12 a, b; Brady, 1884, Chall. Sep. vol ix' p. 379, pi. xlvi. figs. 8-11. P • This species is one of those originally described by Dr. Schwager from the Pliocene of Kar Nicobar. It has also been recorded bv Dr. Brady from various stations in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Found in Sample No. 2, very rare. |