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Show e s MG RG | BEEL L SA prwn the Empire of C u 1n a e Sy pality turne e their Commonwealt oo in the yea .\{()nqud‘;y) and called it the K:pgdom of Ninche fiill fpare]cl hefe Means e, he dif mrfilfd,tha " md\tflt In by drivin ace, whic ) he calle ¢ Province untry bein ugh of mea l tem per o f their ow are,asa Na[hrone, tha Hungnow vhole Sove ved himfel is Empire this Setle0 fecure al quithed Foe d make hea fiderable Ar| their Counwith rms Tfl}is Ninche (which is properl Eaft Tartary, and as yet very little known to thofe o North and North-Ealt {ide, with another Kingdom o towards the Eaft lyes the Kingdom of Yupi, likewil is furrounded with the Sca, between Jfapan and Eaf "]c bad lk'dges an 1600 after Chrifts Bireh, into a Ewrope) is bounded on th the Tartars called Niulbhan. under the Tartar yoke, an Tartary. = On the South i borders uponthe Ifland Corea, and by the great Wall it is divided from the Pro vince of Laotung 5 but more towards the IWeft {eparated by the great River Lixhoang, flowing betw.een' this Kingdom Ninche and.Kz'langho The Antiquity o this People appears in the mentionmade of them in the Race of Ha#a, which be ganin the year 206 before Chrifts Birth They are known to the Chinefes an Neighbours by the name of Kin, which fignifies Gold and commonly are calle ‘the Lords and Maf?ers of the Golden Mountains : It being a commo opinion that China is full of Gold-Mines, which we will not difpute, but dare knowingl affirm, that it has Rivers, upon the{ides whereof great quantity of Gold is take u daily i Plt is};o be obferved, that the Tartars of {everal Parts have at diverstimes warred on China 5 but the people of Ninche above all, have always been their greatcft Enemics 5 having during the Reign of the Race Sunga, given {o grc:;t over throws to their Forces, and made {uch Depredations upon their Land, that the awere forced ;to flyeout of the Northern Provinces into the Southern, the Ninchians having {ubdued and brought under their fubjeGion the Provinces of Lao tung, Peking, Xanfi, Xenfs, and Xantung :- And without doubt, at that time woul d n K t o a r T n r o h i n t ‘have conquered the whole Empire,-i of Samarcand, who envied their great {uccefs, after the Conqueft of a great par of Afia,had not through the Weftern and Southern Provinces, fallen into the Empire of China, and putaftop to their Victories by their irrefiftable Armies ; whic Thefe Tartars o was the occafion of a cruel and bloedy War bétween them Samarcand drovethofeof Ninche, not only out of China, but purfued them int Eaft Tartary,their own Country, whereof theytook a confiderable part from them And fince thart time the Samarcandians,who poflefled the Northern Provinces, ou of which they had beaten the Ninchians, have made many and fharp Wars againf the Emperours of the Southern China, and at laft {fubdued the whole, and ereGe a new Race called Ivena, as is before faid, which continued till it was brought un r the over der by the fame Hunguwus :And indee The Chinefes, out of a natural Enmity to the Tartars, {ay in derifion of them rought year That they live in Holes and Caves under ground : which is not fo ; for they kee rmitted t ever had an Jeft tbe ey tronbles nities A in thofe Tar ¢ a ip and e Of dme) fl Je, that y divided t.h o for wlfd Warrn in very firong and well-wrought Tents, which they ufe inftead of Houfes, bein for the moft part made of Silk or Stuff, and {o very artificially painted, that the fhine in the Sun like Looking-glafies, and keep out the Rain} {fo that none drop through Of thefe, Perfons of Quality have {everal, which yet are {o contrived Infome partsof which, the Wife and Children remain that they feem butone in others the Servants, and fome are for neceflary ufes, asKitchins, and the like They relate, that during the Reign of the Race Ivena, there were 124 Cities i this Eaft Tartary : but whether there are {o many now, I cannot affirm, in regar the Tartars themfelves in China were not able to inform me All their Townsan Places are in a manner moveable ( whichthe Latines call Horde) with thefe, an their Cattel and Families,they remove from place to place,changing according t the {ealon of the year, and pitching where the beftaccommodationis to be had The Cloaths of the poorer {ort are made of Skins, but the richergo clad i o Prov nc th i Sil no Cott neith grow ther Silk and Cotton 5 thoug Ninche, but {fuchamong them as trade, come and buy it of the Chinefes, or exchang Y y othe " |