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Show ! k270 ed General Defcription o G In the Province of Huguang ar Lofen nty Lampreys, in g Rin Near to the City K iagan i the Pool Mie,in whichis br d a fort of Fify as { as Honey In the Province of Chekiang, near th C upon which is a Pool famous fo tain Cie the Gold or yellow Fifh that js n i {mall Fifh,about a finger long,w th a forked tayl ; but ch ----- iceft Tables, fo that th Grandees have thep comm nl for their pleafure and ufe Province of Honan, nearto he chief City Namyang at the beginning of Sy mmer, rans the River T ut never elfe, are t ken red Fifh3 befor which time they aren otto e had, in re ard they hide themfelyes ----- Sza= EEE e e T LTI SI i e ey S Inth wherei and afte in thej Fif 4 ; Neas to the Ifland Hainan are cau g t Wbale;s,after the fame manner a the Hy landers and Englifb in the North abou Greenland, whereof they make Oy ferves for feveral ufes Of thefe commonly {fome are 100 a foot lon The head of it is reckoned for a thjr partof the whole body. Upon the to o the Snout are two round holes, by whi h means they will take in a great quanti of water, and {pout it out again with mighty force. Inftead of Eyes they ha two thin skins which fick out, and ar three yards long, and a foot and half br ad and covered over with ftuff like unto f ocks d it hatha Ear, which is much {maller without th n within, whereby they are very quic o hearing.It hath a very large Mouth,wit L Ps of {o great a thicknefs, that they hav {fomtimes 5 or 6¢co we ght of Far upon them.TheTongu oo long, and 10 broad, refis upon 800,as ell {mal] as gr at,Pegs or Teeth,whichar all covered with fiuff like Horfe-hair, t preferve the Tongue from being hurt a it Iyes upon thofe {harp Pegs They feed upon fifh, and the froth and {c Sed There was once one taken that had fort The Tay 1sat the end well-near 28 foot broad, a d 2 thick. The Male hath a Pizzleo Memberabout 14 foot long. They br ng forth but one ata time, and that inth Harveft, which ftays by the Fem le under the protection of he of alargefize w Tt flands in great fear of the Sword- which is 2 mortal Enem unto it, and who with its fhar $, w.endeavours to rip open th ender belly o this Prodigy of Nature Th |