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Show S A General Defeription o The fecond Degree of Honou to which the Learned Chinef s are Preferre 15 called Kingin, which is give with much he former, and is Con ferced only upon fuch as they judge to be m ft def> e<r vIng 5 and this promotjop made but once in three years, and perfo In each Capital City is a gre t and well-built Palace, e Walls, and fet apart only for he Examination of the Schola s. "I, this place ar feveral Apartments and Manf ns for the ufe of Examiners whep they come t fupervife the Scholars Works befide thefe Apartments, ther are atleaft 3 cho fand Cells in th middle of the Palace, bu hat they wil] only contai one body, alittle Table, anda B nch; in thele o perfon can {peak to his Neigh bour, nor be feen by him When the Kings Examine s are arrived in the City in this Pala e, and not fuffered to dif ourf are there with an they are lock'd up apar whatfoever while the When the tisme of Examination o which are appointed thre whole days, namely, the ni ch, twelfth, and fifteent days of the eighth month then are the Writings of the S holars, with great judgment narrowly examined and {everal queftions propounded o be refo]ved by them The third Degree is called Ci fu, and isequal with that o Do&or of Divinity Law, or Phyfick in Europe; a d this is conferred likewife very third year, an to them only in the Imperial City f Peking : to this Honour ca only three hun dred out of the whole Empirea rive, and the Examinatjop o them before the are chofen, is performed by the ings Examiners in the {ame Me the former. "And fuch asarriv to this height of Honouy by t eir Learning, ar preferred to the higheft place of dignity in the Empire, an are had in grea efteem and reputation by the People e -‘- - -__ _-‘ "_- -\- ‘_fi CHAP |