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Show -- A e Nt et b 6 of th R a Vice-Roy ; and that the Ships of our Eaft-Indiz Company, bound from 74;74; to Taiwan, often{upplyed themfelves here with much Freth Water s for the Pro vince of Fokien is all maritime, lying oppofite to the other Hland of Formnofa hate AR " The EmBass S ~ e e R Verge pric (erv therefore the Embaffadours concluded to offer him fome Prefents, but ke refufe them with great Civility, alledgin that the Tartar Government wouldnot per Drag their appearance at the Court before his Imperial Majefty. He likewife adde that he did not refufe them out of a Chinefe diflimulation, but only to ob(c;v the Cuftoms of their Country5 afluring the Embafiadours that in their retur from Peking, all manner of Friendthip fhould be fhown them By the way i thol o e fo wh mit any Prefentsto be received from any Foreign People le began to Thunderand Lighten before they had mad upon which followed f{o great a (hower of Rai henc that wetted usall to the skin This Canchenin regard of the great Income and Revenue which it brings i yearly, by realon of the Trade whichis driven there, is one of the chief Citios o the Province of Kiangfi, and commands over twelve fmall Cities; It lies abou g Tra te hi elcape pent fixty Miles from Canton, clofe to the fide of ‘the River Can, which takes its {ourf N0 L near to the eighth {mall City called Xuzkin, and flows from thence Northwar A up to this chief City of Canchen : The City liesina four-fquare form as Ndill'\‘d}?(f the St There a\;c, the Br and 1s furrounded with a high Stone Wall about two Miles compals four Gates alfo to this City, which are called after the four Winds : we lay al night in our Barques before the Weftern-gate: the Streets of the City are hand{fomly Paved. On the Eaft-end ftands a well high buile Tower, as it appears in th annexed Print: From the top of which you have a full Profpe& of the City an the adjacent Countries, which are wondrous pleafant The Burgers Houfes an Dwellings are built in good order, amongft which are fome very large ones wel furnifhed 5 butthe Palace of the Governour exceeded all the reft Amongft other flately Edifices; this place abounds in curious Idol ‘Temple k very richly adorned with PiGtures and Graven Images ; but that Téinple whofe To ftands higher, Crownin all the reft (as in the annexe Print) may b chckoned amongft the chiefeft Temples in all €hina, and is called Kuil Kiafi 140 . i th al t gi e ne Ch th rc Ch ie ni fi c wh o Mi t e > Thefe ad ClOUdS glow 5 th O ft Ki i K# ll yc th d pp fh wo Fanes, andthis Idol whom the Verge "lle |