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Show S S SR A b T ATHAN ASIVUS KIRCHE e e s - e e - G e e e e -- ga, which is inclofed in the Kingdom of Tebet ; whole Metropolis is Radoe, th utmoft bourd of the Voyage formerly undertaken by Father Andradas, wher they found many marks of the Chriftian Faith in time paft there planted, fro the names of Dominick, Francis, Anthony, by which the men are called An from hence they arrived at that firft City of the Kingdom of the Mogor fo wel known unto the world by the name of Hedonda, and thence at Battana, a City o Bengala fivaated on Ganges 5 thence at Benares, a City famous for an Academy o the Brachmans, and at laft to Agra the Imperial City of the Mogor 5 where Fathe Albert Dorwille broken with the labours of his Travels, and full or replenifhe with Merics, leaving this terreftrial Country, departed, as we pioufly believe, unto the heavenlymanfion, ina middle way between Europe and China ‘CHAP. V BT s R e T = - T A Departing from Necbal they came to the Confines of the Kingdom of Maran T SR R Of the Voyage attempted by Father Amatus Chefaud a French-man, Superiou of the Refidency of Ifphaban, for the Difcovery of an eafie and ready Paffag into China, even in fome mealure unto Usbec, Out of his Letters written in th S e, - T P the Voyage ‘ ~ WVribé vigt 'this Levter from Hilpahat, but in the way, being veturned fram the Cit o Fa 4. he e [Mmt Sfahanum, fl-om le?vb'"Cit}i it 75 almoft a year fince I depart d toward *Erench-man Bo o, swbieh 7s theRépal City of Usbeck, that I might difcover wh ther there wev and there I narrowly wiewedthe placey which the Ancients called Bachtra, where ther R \‘,; 2 The Lette any poffible wa of paffisigthrough the forefaid Usbeck and 'Turkeftan into Cathay and bencé‘imto Chifa. - But dndeed as T camethither with the Embaffadonrof Usbe unto thié Boundy'of Kegalbax, I found that way both diffiesle and dangerows : thereforeT eomtinued for fme months at Haivat (which City was formerly called Sciandria - - T datinT o I 'to'ths Bifedt. A - e AT o = e *"Perfian Lapguage, and direfled unto Father Athanafins Kircher # a great ‘Univerfity or Academy, which the Son of the famous Tamerlang builded which notwithftanding is defiroyedby degrees, and runneth to ruine for want of lookin t0, as alfo many other Edifices, which were formerly there built at the [ame time, i which that City was in the bands of the Usbequi From this place at length I cam to the City Maxahad, which others call SanQa, there is a great Melquit adorned wit Gold Inthis place I continued twe months, and bere difputed with the Learned, o whom there are many about the Law 5 I found that albeit they openly and abroa praife their own Se&t, yet they bold, that others of a contrary perfwafion onght to obferve the Kings Law Their time is not as yetcome. 1 departed from this place and cante to Nixapor and Sabazuar;which belong unto Chorafan 5 from thence I paf fed over the Cities Setam, Damgan, and Jamnam, at laft I arrived at Kaxanum, i 1he Province Aracand that is 30 Farfang diftant from Sfahamum This traél o Land is for the moft part barren : at length T returned to Stahamum, and bere remai ready to fulfil the Commands of your Rewerend Fatherbood But doth not your Kewerend Fatherbood in the mean while publifb nothing unto the World onght to bear fome fruit [ince, nothing elfe hat about the Controverfie Looking-glaf3 1 kno Juc a Tre Befides two Books that you were pleafed to fend me [ome year arrived at wiy bands. - 1 have bere compofed fome Treatife of the Law, in particular an Anfwer to the Polifber of th no perfonthat can better manage this BufinefS at Rome, tha youn, Rewverend Jelfyn bous 1 be[eech 10 render ime more certaip, whether that fuc Book ca ?ert onl | 4 [‘V[ nea |