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Show 5 A gree D k D S h The EMmBAssy of th the remarkable pafiages whic - P ‘.< £ ToxmE ‘' " 3 ‘! 3 ‘ b forced to Retreat with a great Slaughter, whofe dead bodies was n fmall apnoyance unto the Befieged : Againft this inconvenience they burnt {everal odoriferous Gums, to prevent Contagion which might proceed from thence. A ongf happene durin to be admired, whichthe Enemy made upo of the City, which was only guarded b greater Courage in making their Defence with their whele Army ; for after that the this Siege, isthat Storm mof aFort fituated at the further corne fixteen Souldiers, who fhewed fa then the Affaultersin the Attemp had fpent all their Powder and Shor they untiled the very Fort, and with the fhards thereof id VEry great executio upon the Enemy; which Ammunition being likewife {pent, an having nothin offenfive, they at laft emptied the Houle of Office with Cha ber-pots, and flun - the Excrements, and {o at once both perfumed and paint d the naked bodies o the Enemy 5 who at Jaft perceiving that thofe of the City int nded to Sally out and relieve their Fellow-Souldiers, they raifed th Stege, and cryed out i their Language, O yon ftinking Holland Dewils . you Figh with your Tantoblins, and your Arms are Turdy Piftical But the Hollanders miftrufting the Fawaners, continued wi hin the City til morning 5 when they {ent out fome Foot to obferve their motion nd intention who found that they. were all fled, and had left more then ei ht hundred dea on the Spot behind them 5 {ome of them were beheaded, o hers run through and laid in Rank and File one by another The occafion of this Murder is fai to be this 5 the Emperour had the year before (for this wa the fecond Siege difpatched one of the chiefeft Princes of the Kingdom, witha Army to Batswi who finding great oppofition, returned re infefta The Prince of Madura (thi Ifland lies about half a mile from Fava, under the power and c mmand of th Emperour) had made great brags in contempt and difparagemen of fome othe Princes 5 what great Feats he would have done upon the Cit with fuch an Army a After o, Whi ad)oini Shore t provide Betel 1 whole Provifi (ame1 and ab farle the K ated o this was of two hundred thoufand Men, orelfe he woul never have returned alive The Emperout hearing this, {ent for him, and made hi Commander over new raifed Force together with the former , who had bee {ole General the fore-going year; a Perfon of goo nature, Pradent, Valiane and well beloved among the Souldiers This General finding himfelf very muc (lighted by the Prince of Madura, who was joyned in Commiff on with him looked upon himfelf bound in point of honour to be revenge upon him; an having communicated his intention to fome of his intimate Frie ds i the Army they immediately concluded to put his defign in execution being all of the for un Couch Higo i o bitan Em ochi made {enfible of theaffront. The Prince of Madura in the i terim, not dreamin of the mifchief that was intended him, came accidentall inte the Chamber, ¢ confer about fome bufinefs wich this General ; who thereu on told him, that hi word fhould now prove to be true, for from Batzwiz he fh uld never return alive whic having faid, they prefently killed him : word thereof being brought t Emperour, who had a particular refpect to this Ol General, he feemied to lik well enough of what had been done, and gave him hi Pardon. Thus much fo digreflion Of K Cou Were aefe; tants conf fubp Reig year Afte but f0011 and { lerye |