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Show - S i ---- s hey hadywon tovgard the Wenll}. - o e e S e Ti i o 5ty T e o o A L PR S oA S e Eoan "abid b o fe-took fuc Profperity feeming thus to begin to f e (hew r.he.y were not ambitiou - e Lucus was General ove the Militia : Thefe tw manders having gotten together a Very great Army f ours and V;IE):C , ell {o furioufly "Ponor Tartars, thatthey not on] drov them placesas ed General Defcription o will , made one Tungliens Emiperour, on of Tazmznga, beinga Grand-child of the Emperour Vanlieu He ke t;C amil at firflt in Queilin, the principal chief City o the Province of th}z) filxth0}1r therlcby to dra(\;v other C(;)zzefi'; to take up Arms agai ft the Tartap Bgur'fo ;)gx:f t er he went and remove h e L. rt to the famous City of Chatting in the Pro. 3Battels But. the ill Fate of the Empiri s s good fortune did not continue fucce(s ul any long tim was quickly overcome an out of Quangfi and Quan g:fvf ung, and from thence c nftrained to fly to the Fr tiers of Tungking n No fooner was the Vice-ro ourney t but it feemed as if the Peo le of that Prov?nce andJa g/z' zagengnw{n;hmlggg rage, there hapning a ery great and fu tion in the Tortar Affair one Vangus a Prieft, w ; fo o had formerly been mander ig the Arm whole Country in an up ,t th oar, and having raife reat number of Men ,an delled them into an Army he went and took the Cit f Kicnning with (even other places, and putall th Tartars therein to the Swor ; which good fuccel inmediately caufed fuch Ch nsfes as had formerly fle into the Mountains fafety, to come down and j in with him, to help to recov r th eir Countyy At the fame time one Changu by name, and a Tartar born two Provinces, had the C mmand likewife of the e of Cbe}iang; wh hearing of the Infurre&ion i F okien, marched immediatel thither wich his Army, and finding no eppofition t the mouth of the Mountains where he fuppoled the Chinefes would hate bl ck'd up his paffage, which 2 fe w F ces woul cafily have done, he cries ou Rebels are fled d th So marching over the Mou tajns without any oppofitio lays Siege immediately to th , h City Hienning, into which t e Prieft Vangu ral months, an had been ofte Men; wherefor was of fuch ftrength that it could no be taken by Storm, whic attempted by the Befiegers, to thei great damage and lof; o at laft they refolved to get it by Famine lofe an more Men by Storming, whereby h had already v Army but that being recruited with freth M n from Peking, and having made a ver confiderable breach in the Wall by thei Ordnance, they refolved to ftorm i onc more and the {uccels an{wered their defi e ; for the Commanders withi the Place being divided among themfelve there was not fuch care raken a ought to have been for the refilting the Af aul, by which means the Befieger getting in at the Breach, immediate y cut out their way and pat all to th Sword neither Man, Woman, nor: Child excep ed, fo that (dirnum diftu) there wer kill'd in and before this City above 300 ftone left ftanding upon another. Aft the dreadful deftrution of this City, the hole Province of F okien {ubmitte to their Power, a d for the future none but Tartars were ma ander over the Militia, and Governours f Cities: But notwithftanding all t and prudent forefight which was ufe , the Tartars vvere not able to kee al quier 5 for it hapn;d that the Go 2is, revolted and foun ernoyr of the Province of Kiang peyy vvork for their Arms; the occ fion vvhereof 1 {ai |