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Show ' '; A THAN 45108 KIRCHE e ett e From Hedondain eight days [pace they came e of the Mogor ento Mutgari, which is th firft City of the Kingdom of Mogor otof BeBngonalga.ete" L 9- From Mutgariisa Voyage f ten days: {pace even uné to Battana, whic is City of Bengalatowards GaflgeJ‘, p --------- Miutgari a aced under the Elevation of th Pol grees, A4 minutes The Ciyge 10~ From Baitan in cight days {pace they came unto Benar 3 populou City on Ganges, and place under the Elevation of t degrees, 50 mjnutes, and it is famous for an Acadcmy of he Brachmans, which flourifheh there - nares in which ail the Sciences properunt the Region, or rather more traly nheard o Superftitions, are taught i 25 de 1 From Beraresineleven days7 {] pace hey came to Catampor, and from4 th « enc .10 feven days time to Agran Yo . e T Therefore from Pekin cven unto Agran was a continued Voyage of 5 14 days but it tl a: you have relpeét to th ftay of the Caravans, it is a Voyag and about two months And thefe R elations I received of mouth fro the above-mentioned F athers, wh performed the Voyage in the fam manner a I have delcribed ic CHAP 1vV of the-wariom Habits, Manners, a dC ufiome.r of the Men of thofe K i s, wi c were obferved and dmzpu by t e forefaid F athers, Albert orvil]e, an Father Gruberus, 45 they paffed thro gh thens S the Kingdoms, which the afo e-mentioned Fathers pafled t rough by Voyage never hitherto attem te by .any European wer unknown t Geographers ; fo alfo did the obfecrve many things, very wort deration, in reference unto t e Habits, Manners, and Cuf ms of thofe Natjons which on purpofe being delivere to me, what by Pi&ures and wha by Wfiting they left to be inferted into thei Voyage performed ; which I tho ght fie, havin oW an opportune and convenient t me, to accomplifh Ther A Delcriptio of the wall of Ching fore fetting forwards fro Pekin, the Metropolis and I perial Seat o the Chinefe;, they came in he {; pace of two months ti to thofe moft famoy Walls, at which that vafi C y Stningfu is fituated, as i a certain moft faf Bulwark unto the Walls ag inft the Incurfions of the Tartars, in the end o our Book, we exhibit the S ructare of fo famous Wall (as muc nience of the place would admit of ntl drawn by them ; and they added chat the Walls were of fo grea fix Horfe-mz=n fet orderly a breaf , mighe coaveniently run a Rac an hindrance as the conve obferved an a bredth, tha wichout Dei ne to another > whence they re o frequentIy vificed by the Citizens of Staingfi bot the Air, which is mof wholefom, and which breachet from the adjacent [ancy Defart ,ard alfo becauf tha} they are very opportune or the performing of many ther Exercifes for th calingand recreating of th mind ; for they are of tha height, that they eafil vite the Inhabicants unto c em by their pro(pe&, whic is on cvery fide mof clearand open, and withal cx eeding pleafane, and alfo y reafon of the grea conveniency of the Staurs which give an alcent unt them5 now the longitud of the broadeft part of the all, even unto the other Po e or Gate, through whic the |