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Show ot 5 2 ATHAN 4S1VS KIRCHE i i The Interpretation of b th of them is this 2 ha Ciom, which was thethe Grea year o Tam, (vix. the King) in th Jecond year of this Kie our Lord 782. in th mn, oz the [eventh day, being the Lord ds s this Stone was ereffed Nim Ciy the bifbop gover ing the Church of China The Syriack Infcrlptlon BISNAT ALF VE ISSAIN VE TART N DIUNOIO C : ocfbr; Chl of A jifcov tche O omp put That is, In the Jyear 1092 according to the Grecian ccompt Now therefore {eeing that he Eaftern, or the Greek C the moft part with the L in the Compate of their y & Redustion Manded, afte ars; it is dewhat manper thefe year y be reconciled ? | an j;'r;*':grfez That this Monume culped with a twofold kin Geyarsoftion of the yea of Computas uled by the forefaj of the Chriftian Law; g being the Ecclefiaftica Accompt of the years of hrift, which the fajthfy Chriftians every where ufe er was a Politick, or Ciyi] - which was common to ear he Syrians, Chaldeans, Ara ans, Agyptians, and alm the whole Eaft ; which tha you may the better underft nd, you muft obferv that the years of the Greci ns, of which the Book c r:r" A dher Chi - Ale Aft of the Maccabees make ment On, are the {ame with tho e that are otherwife calle by the Chaldeans the year of the Seleucians, the SyroGrecians, or Syro-Macedon ans; but by the Hebrew; the years of Contracs and by th No A_,Tb tians the Alexandyian y dlezanderthe COMPE from th , or the Acdeath of Alexande e Arabians they are term ciica ony ~ main, which is as mu Dbul K 4ph as to fay, of Alexander ho ding o famain An two horns (and the therefore call him fo, eithe (as Chriftmannus will have it dued both the Eaftern and ccidental Parts of the Wor or as| fuppofe mor probably, from Fupiter Ammo whe was figured with the hea of a Ram; whof Son Alexander would b 1 fh be. efteemed 5 or 1n relation nto the He-Goat, unto wh Daniel compareth him) or c aftly, they are called the ye rs of Philip (which | hav ewed above to be called b Albategnins Ta lkupti) and the Epocha o thofe years beginneth 1 years compleat after the fe of Alexander the Great as Saint Hierome obferveth ou of Eufebins on the . Chapt 15 followed herein b Ribera, Tomiel]m, an others before Fulins Cefar thefe Now although tha ears feem to have had an ther form, and apo ther beginning of their Mon h, yet notwithftanding by on they take their entr ince from the Calends o liober. The names of t Months are either Greek, or S ro-Chaldean, in other refpeCi they agree with th quantity and form of the Fu ian year, only that the In in this Epocha, or Acco d pt, unto the Month Saba h, which is an{werable u our Month of February t Thefe things being noted lace the beginning of th Empire by the confent Grecia f Eufebins, Scaliger, an others, in the year cur ore the year of the Chrifti t, ben Epocha, or Accompt, 310 in the 11 9 Olympiad according unto the Chroni for it is agreed upon by all Alexander the Grear dy ¢ha d in that very year, i hich the 114 Olympi m the latter end of the M began nth Hecatombeon, as Pl tarch, writeth, vix. befo Chriftian Accompt 322, e th for Chrift was born in th third yearof'the 194t Q] Piad confidered exclufiye] y mtherefore the years of the ingdoms of ¢he Grecian begin c w w th e t li i Q |