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Show 29 - A General Defcription o The Tartars a.fter the taking.and deftrafiion of thi§ City, immediately ilil;c out a Proclamation that no City fhould fuffer any thing in Life or Fftate.if tl(‘.1; t}; Fo fafhi Tarta th afte cloa he g an Hair would cut off thei 10"] 4,10 oil leavi fhort of i cu Tarta th bu Hair lon wor nefe hanging behind; and pull outall the hair of their Beards, o;fly wearin gla c and long Whiskers or Muftachoes 5 Although this Command was firi, yet it carried in it fome fhew of favou and confequently gained a kind of love, until the Tartars, by fome'barbarou alts they committed afterwards, were very:much hated and abominated. Th ftory goes thos: There being at that time feveral rich Merchants come to th City with Commodities from other parts of China, to trade withal in felling an buying, the Tartar at their requeft gave them free leave to go and come 3 where upon thele innocent people not thinking of the dangerous mifchief that was de figned againft them, departed with their Riches and Goods: But they wer hardly got three miles out of the City, when the Tartars lying in wait for them fell .upon and kill'd them every one, taking as free Plunder all they had, whic they brought with them into the City triumphantly, as if it had been the fpoi of ‘'an'open Enemy Which barbarous ufage being heard of, occafioned a grea amazement amongft the Inhabitants, who knew no other but that they might b {ferved every moment atter the {ame manner: But notwithftanding all their {ay ag crueley, they were at prefent neceffirated to make a halt In regard of the great lofs they had {uftained;before this City of Leaoyang nor durft they venture to march any further up into the Country, or lay Siege t any place of importance, till they had firft recruited themfelves ; for they foun all the Frontier Towns and Places of ftrength well fortified and guarded SRS S Amongft all other Chinefe Commanders who fignalized themf{clves in fhewin .. i their Courage in their Countrys behalf againft the Enemy, was one Maovenlung Na wa H Enco nter {fever i the upo who did very great executio tive of the Province of Quantung, where he had learned and underftood in hi Army Chine whol th wit Leao un roy o aaa Converlation amongft the Poriuguefes at Macao, {everal things concerning Military Difcipline ¢ From thence he had alfo brought with him feveral greac Guns which he purchafed out of a Holland Ship that was caft away there, and thofe h Ning ven o Cit chie th planted upon the Walls o loft,i thu bein Leao an o Cit chie th an . The Eaftern part of Leaotung Viceo Tuta th tim fam th a b t this new made chief City there hapne The Tartars having often ha bee havin Maow nlun thi o Cour g tryal, to their {forrow and coft, of th .hoa hi wit cop t furth an adve tur no durf him b rout ofte Devic polit c o Stra age fom o nourable way, but bethought themfelve and they f up Perfo brav thi o Virt an Integ it th whereby to woun promi es hig word an fai b woul with hi pofed the beft meaos to affai Letpriva b hi offer the defig Whercfore to putin execution this thei China o Empi th )hal hi t deli ere b t cunn ngl cauf the ter(whic the hel an Army hi o flowe th wit Princ if he would defert his natura Honou hi forfei neith woul wh But Maovenlun to conquer the Empire h tha anfwe fo retu ne an offers hig thef refuf nor Oath, couragioufl had rather lofe his Life, then betray his Prince and Country th tha an effe tak no The Tartars finding that this their Plot woul ‘. il 7| furn proc e t refol e comi g thei again Chinefes had well provide ' o ther for the prefent wit Y 1 $ ie A- 2 .I 19 s 8 - B a a P " .-.‘/ - --- ‘¢4*" .{H which wholly ceafed till the Year f595 2 the War Cit chie th befi ge an cam the again ou brea in when fuddenl T c c o h e t g o t w e e i C t e t a f t e g i T Ningyven : |