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Show 12 ettt stt oy The EMBass "-M~m~;fi e---- ;;];cc Mwm of th \-" in Europe, for Sp endour, Art, Wea ch > and Pleafyre I'fhall give youalarge account t ereof,and of the PJ; tform my felf This Imperial . Court, which is exactly fquare > contains thre miles in cir ¢utiiference, clean.sh data import.tsv out README within the fecond. Wall o North |fide, bein fortified alfo with ftrong fton Battlements fifte en foot h h ; in this Wall ar fout' Gatés, (in ‘the middle o hich hhave thejs Profpe ward the four Anglesof th s to world, and {o named aft e four Cardina] wind biit'that which'ftands toward the Sonth, is the chieféft and m yf when we went to appear before the E from thence' into a Bale Court, hich had ave N T witha Witer-Trench cut through the ftone bridge of fourt paces, very curroully builr, but th fome ‘places covered ove weeds., - Before this Graf annel ftands alfo giearnumbe rawn up upon the Plain, of Tartary, Horfe ‘an Foot, who as Sentinels {ulfer none ‘to pal throtgh's when youare ove this bridge you come to the f rft Gate, guarded.wit three' Black "Elephants ; throug ‘fifty. paces long, and b upon fijy'é"tflé'itely"‘_A(rcbes(,' yo come mto the firft quadrangl 400paces large, "and whitlier e were brought by Piuxento ready { aifi);tq expet wit the other Embafladours th coming of the Emperour This Plaino is well built with u houfes, ftanding' amidft thye mare Jofry and fortified Edif cesy whichare {o firong wit gh. thick, Wallsan Bulwarks, that they areable, tode end the place, F rom this Cour there 2 Ire paffééé"é"fifi'deffiehtfi the three grea Stru&ures, ‘which leads into fecond quadrangl allg 400 paces wide, builtand ado ned with braye buildings asthe for er ; fro hénce you phfsint6 the thitd and Jaf Plain, alfo {quare, .and of the' fame éx'tl‘ffil‘{e former'; this quadrangle w ich lyes dire&lyin the Crofs, and pa i fione,the Gic ;}f"' 'g;bfl fugfiptu‘dxj t Cham chofe himfelf for his own Refi and coltly ;Buildings, . but he. chiefeft among thefe ar which exceeds all the ref in M gnificence, Art,and Beauty, a d take upat leaft fi"‘&?arf of the three fidesof the C '"('g)ire&ly forward appears the uilding, wher his Imperial Majefty fat upo }i/i's"'l'%hrohc, and which are far mor ftately and (umptuous then the for er, int which you etet through three ampl v ¢ . Lhe Emperour, according to the cufto aintains feveral Women in' ‘this his Seraglio5 bu amongf ‘all thofe only one-aflumes th Ticle of Emprefs, all the reft are his .Concubines es,in fevera degrees ; thefe wair on the King him elf, others look. to, the keeping o Rooms and Chambers decent and clean ; fom take care of the Children, and thefe on of the Emperours Bed-chamber, hisKitch n, and Table : of thels Concubines i ther feveral Attendancicars at leaft five thoufand, moft of the no more the . Such fhews this Palace within, if yo go through the South Gate ftrajt to t e ‘thitd Plaino, ot the Emperours abode ; t many appear going through the other Gate with all {uch buildings and ado nments ; forth whole circumference of the Court ddle in the form of Crols, and. in {everal place equally an Without the thir Plain, which Iyesin the middf ofthe Court, and upon whic nd the Emperour Buildings,at_e {evera] pleafant ardens, Palaces,Woods,Rools Rivers,and delicat . Summer -Houfes,which the Efilpfl‘our caul d to be made for his Pleafure ; and eac‘ A-- and curious Arches. In this .third C ur refide only 'the Emperour and'Emprefs and none is permitted to cnterhere their Attendangs i ‘ |