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Show --- m e o --- i g e iy V ATHAN 45108 KIRCHE I4 Sons, and by reafon of his Goo nefs, and Adminiftration of Juftice all che Natives, as an holy perfon, g ve hi the Honour proper o the Gods ; he is faid to have been o h colour his Beard of 2 Cheftnut colour, and inte -eyed. No Tanguth is 3 large Kingdom of Tart ¥, the greateft part of which our Fat er travelled through, and Facher Jobn G berus delineated or drew the King, w o they call Dews, and that by his own com and, in the fame form which the VI Figure [heweth : His face js duskifh otherwife his Vefture or Attire is altog the like unto that of the Lama, which have exhibited in the firft Figure VIL Th L " ./,;/ V e --TA The fifth Figure exhibiteth the Pourtraj deceafed King o ko, g Tanguth, whom they report o have ha S e T -- g e S e 233 T S Ire Ny s T Thekfgie King of Tanguth - g = - that is dead,@ is worfbipped for a God VI The Effigies of Dev \.!:‘V"\i P 2 V The Effigies of Han K ing of Tangu e o - o - e e A B TheHabito 1 he Tartar, which the firf} F igure exhib teth, weareth the Habit of a Lana .2:,%@"" which is the Prieft or Bithop o the holy Rites of the Nation of the Tarta s o Kalmack; they ufea Cap or Hat painte withared colour, a white Coat or Clo calt backwards, a red Girdle, and the are vefted with a yellow Coat, fro th Girdle of which hangeth down 2 Purf , asin the ficlt Figure The fecond Fisure fheweth a Tar ar of Kalmack cloathed with a L Garment, and a yellow Cap The third Figure cxhibiteth a Tarta Woman o Kalmack, cloathed with a Vefime t made of skin, or of fome gree , or red matter; and each of them hath 2 Ph lactery or Amulet hun about heir necks which they wear to preferve themfelv s from dangers and mifgbhiefs. T e Figur A expreffeth their Habitations, an it is a Tartariay Tent made up w thin o {mall bended and wreathed fticks on the outfide it is framed with courfe matte of a certain wool tyed or bound t gether with cords. The fourth F gure theweth an Infirument, "and it is 2 turnin cepter, which i moved round by the fuperftitiou t the time when th Lama pray 7 premse e - |