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Show 26 k General Defcription o CHAP XVI Of ANIMALS / S kind Nature has provided an Bufhes, Herbs, produ& o Fowls, &c | Manner of Tyee nd Frujts > {oit hasmade the thc all irrational Creatures, as B utes or four-footed Animgs Fifhe O FOUR-FOOTE CREATURE He Sheep in Ching are th {fame that are found in al artsof Ferfig and Tar tary5 namely, with long nd th ‘ s, whic weighing 40 or 50 pound : th flefh is very {weet Near to the Garrifon of Tiek Cows . thick; and curl'd hairy ta ls, which the Chinefe Sould er their Caps, inflead of Feathers Near the Cities of Cingchen a d Tengchen, is found in th \' i called Nienhoang, that is the Yellow of the Cow Itisof feveral fizes they drag after them which have very lon wear for ornamen Maw of aCow, a flo by reafon of its colo fometimes as big as a Goofe E although it be notf firm and clofe as the Bezoar-ftan , and confe uently is- lighter ; yet is it y It {eems outwardly to be Chalk an lued and efteemed much befor thefame is ommended for {everal ufes In the Province of Quamtung is a Creature which the Chine es call the Sw Cow, for it is fo nimbje o toot, that it can run more hen 300 miles in day In Cinchen is a Beaf} very like a Cow much whit then Ivory, which is a very great Lo er of Salt 5 and therefore when the unt{me go abroad to take any of them, j hey carry Bagsof Salt, which the upon which they will feed with { ch greedinefs, that they rather {u fer themfel to bekilled; then leave off the;r dearly-carned prey In the Province okKiangfi, ofy pectal , they feed th Hogs as well within the City as withou , by means whereof there are fuch great a {warming Herds continually kept i ardly paffabley;e are always kept very clean, grea number of people being appoi to cleanfe the Streets of th fileh In the Province of Peking ther are fome Cats with long hair M lk-white, having large Ears like a Spanie] : . T them for theirpleafur for they will not hunt afrer or catch Mi e, it may be for being too high fed : Howeve they have good ftore of other Cats t In the Provincesof Funnan and S c . In that of X""ff upon the Mountain Holar ( 30 mileslarge) are many wild He fes. All thei Horfes are generally but of mean ftature, yet well {et, br ttockt, an {trong for fervice Near Siwen are yellow Mice, ve y large, whofe skins are in mu h requeft amongft the people : But in 4l pa ts, efpecially in the Province of Q antung, ar abundance of Stags, Bucks, ares, &c In Xantung are many rav nous Wolves : And in X whereof the fore. feet are held in grea efteem by the Natives Near to the c ie Cit |