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Show 14 The EMBass . T A of the above-mentioned ter, which the G Cham writ to the Governour General a Batavia And though through the mean and defigns of the Portugmef been often mentioned , ou s ha bufinefs did not fucceed ith the Em Perou ding toour wifh 5 yet we ma ccop hope thatin a fhort time, an befo re the date o cight years fhall be expired fomething will b - And for all thefe Pr fents and go reat trou e angerous and I we effelted nothing elfe, but that th as Friends by, Emperour in China,an might return eight year hence to [alute his Imperia. jefty, according to the C ntent I\f{ i done to the advantage of ou Traffick, by fendin Grandees of Pekin ~ Cham having War afew Prefents more to th Emperour ; which fevert:ll f th did more then hint to our mbaffadours - Befide, th Grea with that Arch Pyrate Cox we fhould but Propof - to affilt his Imperial Majeft with our Ships fubduing of the (2;q Pyrate I make no doubt but he woul quickly confent to give us Free Trade in hi Domintons Among(t{o many alteration hapned fince oqr departure we underfiood upo our arrival, with great joy, tha the {trong City of Columbo, i was fallen into our hand by the condu@ and cour e of the General Dirc Hulft, whocommanded ove thofe Forees that were fent t {; ubdue it liant Commander was unfortuna ely {lainin an Affault, whic was made by hi upon the City ; which being pe ceived by his couragious Souldie s, they fell o with{o much fury, that they wo ld not be {atisfied for the lofs o der, with any thing lefs then th taking of the Town ; which wa {oon after de livered up to them upon terms. How great an advantage this wil prove to th Affairs of the Ea§t-Ind;, Cempany if they do but kno that from this place comes th bef} ¢ tnnanon We likewife underftood, tha the troublefome and contentjou bufinefs in 4 boyna, which threatned this Pl ce with great danger, was a commodated and reconciled through the wife mana ement of Arnold de ‘Vlaming (o that op might live freely and Peaceably t ere, and drive their Trade with th Inhabitant s formerly Laftly, We were informed that the B n weary of th War, and fought to live in Peace wi h the Hollanders 5 which will highl make fo the Intereft of our Eaft-India Company I have treated thus far in fhort conc rning what hapned upon our Travel ward and backward to the Emp rours Court at Peking 5 where my knowledge I have not in the leaft (aid any t ing contraryto the Truth: Andas] b ga In giving a Defcription in fhort of th whole Empire, for asmuch as concern th Countrey it felf ; fo Iconceive it no improper far a more full and perfec knowledge of all China, to continue my elation of th ing, Manners, Cuftoms, Fathions, an Modes of th Government, Letters, LearnInhabitants ; Creatures, Beafts P rolvendieg Herbs, Fruits ; Wars, and Peace in th s vaft Dominion of China ------- of th |