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Show ) & Nr \(\tli 'FSisk HO Ca I}C i - Eh rcad‘ t r .\""r . HWar‘d h w 3"3(\\\'m o bnd I)r(‘:"{\tj" fand d & (5(,‘\ "5 dow Om gorgipe BBl w|) theyi lco O OuB ? o pu lthc om N of that l }ubitb\' b , the [ron ring im :\mof 3\4.;}‘::, }:bcrmo c will'mg t to he Emperour. for " :1 !'70.‘!{.-' ) an fUCh as art one of them oes at fi fered o b;x}‘o al; old Fifhe g that they {erved to an i whenc y Thar the ever bre thole Birds camg were left him by with him; who we old Man, which were mo e their Fidlers and Comedian ers and Suppers. All manne od bat two f(hillings Dic es, out of which the Player ; few hours R - warers the ef :r..'e.i 1 Upon the 19. of the fame month, we came to a fmall City called Xantfui, an the 23. {mall one under the chief City Tengchen. This place lies abou thirty miles from Cining, on the right and lefe fide of this Royal Channel, bot ends guarded wich two firong Caftles : The City is four-fquare, well built, an furrounded with Walls and ftrong Bulwarks, where we faw the Ruines of {evera great buildings un-inhabited, and whichhad been much defaced by the Tartars The Countrey round about lies often under water,by the overflowing of the Yellow River, whicl (ometimes rifes to that height, that it drowns and carries awa whole Townsand Villages. The next morning we fet Sail from this Xan#/uiyan by the way we faw feveral fair Villages and Corn-Fields on both fides of thi Royal Channel, asalfo feveral firong Sluces, which did not a little hinder us i our pafiage, for from Xant(ui to Lincing we paft through g8 Sluces Gox dra e Inha h feve ac A U L I l:l":lmlmtx RUT [ Hl.‘. i \lllli w\i:l ""l Jgt i"lllulmi !:5 L ‘W lllllfl]lfi fl mu‘ "um (T [ .‘q-m; |"4- No e |