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Show _- - e -- e e --ne &:fi ‘___-,. N etheriand NEa/ZJ ndz;z, Company WQ)F thl ""'& c)'"'g) Q&q} K i"l[') an 0, ' 6 e, X $iam \ - tsm""".(»N"fm‘ "he, Xampess, and § : wriex, F,xeny, P 'ngbilllg,-llfl :mb'n.'vn, Sinfu , Hing 2, Xeching, Changni g an Iz, .V:a(a:(, Xmg m, an -2t m this Province on ! twenty nine Families, an dred Fighting Men mee to the Emperour, con ! and fix hundred Bagso ty Rolls of Raw Silk, an rought Sk, befide feve o the number of the grea t s th u r t o Trave No fooner were the Embaffadours arrived, and at the Gate of this chief City o Nangan, but a Gentleman was immediately difpatched to Complement them i the rame of the Magiftrates and condu& them to thofe Lodgings which wer provided. ~Awhile after came the Governour himfelf, with fome other perfon of great quality, who after inter-changed Civilities, fell into fome Difcourfes o {mall importance; having fo fpent an hour, they took theit leaves and departed fending a handfom Treatment that night at the charge of the City Afterwards came to us two Tartar Gentlemen who likewifé then arrived ther from the Imperial City of Peking 5 who after they had faluted the Embaffadours told them that they were fent to' Congratulate the Vice-Roys ‘of Canton, upo their Victory obtained the laft year againft the Chinefes, in the Prevince o Quangfi5 they then departing, took their leave, admiring much the large an tall ftacures of the Hollanders, and thought the Embafladours to be they who wer come from the end of the World to falute their Emperour ; adding withal,that hi Imperial Majefty expected them long with great impatience. During our abod here, we were often vifited, and moft friendly {aluted by the beft and chiefeft o the City The Embaffadours were put to very great trouble to procure Veflels to carr clean.sh data import.tsv out README them from hence to Nanking ; for though they did earneftly infift to further an haften their Journey, yet the Commiflioner appointed to furnifh them wit Boats, could not get them readyf{o {oon as he defired: Whereupon the Mandorine Pinxenton rated him with bitter expreflions, which he took {o to heart, gha he drew his Knife and would have Stabbed himfelf, had he not been prevented b one of the Mandorines Servants -The Country about this chief City of Nawgan (whichis the furtheft City o this Province) is very Pleafant and Fruicful, fome part thercof, although furrounded with Hills and Mountains, which ferve for a fence to guard the Country N One of thefe Mountains far exceeds the reft for delightfulnefs; which th Chinefes call Sihoa, which fignifies a place of Pleafure This chief City,an arm of the River Chang divides into two cqual parts,which f ficwated on'the Stream, "invites abundant Trade to:be driven there; for all th Goods and' Merchandifes - which are:Bbrought outof Chine, and carried to th ProvinceQf Quantung, erfrom Quantnrs to the othst places of \ Trade whichly highc |