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Show ispigay e e the Enpire of CHiNa There is allo in divers places throughou 14 the whole Empire, a certain fort o Lime, which they prefs from the Bark of a Tree, being tough and fticking lik Pitch; of this, whichI {uppofe T may cfil a Gum, they makea certain fort of Pain wherewith they colour all their Ships, Houfes, and Houfhold-ftuff, which make them to fhine like Glafs ;5 and thisis the, reafon that thé Houfes in Chiza, and i the Ifle Fapon, glifter and fhine {o bright, that they dazzle the eyes of fuch asbehold them. For this Paint laysa fhining colour upon Wood, which is fo beautiful and lafting, that they ufe few or no Table-cloaths at their Meals ; for if the {pill any greafe, or other liquor upon the Table, it is eafily rubbed off with alittl S, the hicfly Woh th fait water, without lofs ot damage of colour 1 and ol , 0(‘")' Oflbcm the fide UUpo "%, With whic AWy for othe mm)"‘lth be Thereare o) :.v thm thf g fucbfirange Waters, Trees .___________.___________..._-------------------------'-"" exquifite Arti \larblc, asall and hardnefars th . Of Xlflfi are very clea yurnmt the fire Red of colotw dudts of the Hil voncs, are of s Stones, asth (tones upon th e, held in grea e in the cure o And asin fome o Farthand Me UP e m certai e oifon. And ¢ (b(y g'a[hfl' u " 2 Cmain Eal't Whercas upo men infif W e whic ar llkC 1o th Ther we R A e L CHAP Baikis |