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Show b REREIR 4 ‘ifl;,,\r'i"ff qt 4 fg ' i T 21 . N b M Al i{; ie T i ' i‘ ty they take to themfe from abelief that the Soyl ves of the deceafed tran{migrat into other bodies; an therefore they would fee to infer, tha g et IR R e eS i} ; i thi thei cruelty is neceflary, at leaftwif convenient, and {o no ways-dreadfu unto the 5 averring, that they d dren great advantage in takin th Chil away their lives; for by tha means they delivere them the fooner out of2 milerabl condition to fettle them in a better therefore the poor Child Ap en are not made away landeftinely, o in private aperto [ole, openly before a] bu the People But thi!s Unnatural cruelty ere is yet more inhumanit_ amongft them ; for fom dtife our of defpair of good fo une, or that they have [u any great loffes, wi]] volunt aine rily lay violent hands up n themfelves ; others if th cannot find a means to reve ge themfelves upon thei {elves, thinking thereby ll them o do them 2 mifchief; or (asit is {aid) great n year, eitherin che Fields elfe before the doors of thei mes by ftrangling, other by drowning, or laft]y, b hjle poifoning themfelves Anothei fort of Barbari{m he Northern Provinces towa young Children, which s, y Gelding them, whereby and no otherwife, they ar made capable of Service a d Preferment in the Empe ours Palace; and thef they callin their Language Ge on the Prince; and whic is more, the whole Governm nt of the Empire isi their Hands and Managemen . There are at leaft te thoufand of thefe Gelub densin the Palace, wh ori Lo i o LR ik ‘l 1 g ‘i broug:ht up 1n perpetua are of a dull and heav _The Magiftrates have punifhing Offenders, is to a gs bare; upon which the Biad ! '\ L i i e give them feveral blows with Whip made of twifted Reed which fetches bloo at every blow. And the grea Motive that inducethto thi more then commo fevcrit.y in punifhing offences, i efes are infinitely addifed t Robbing and Stealing cfc are two xtravagant Humours tha in Ching are muc guilty of 5 the one i the Tran mutation of other Metals i te Silver, wherewit they crack theijr Brains, and onfime their Effates 5 the n opinion the have of obtaining an immorta] b ing in this World, while they a clad wit Mlefh and blood ; thatisto fay, they means may be ufed, as will preferve them from falling into hat common bofome of Natu e, the Grave. Of bot o st ";"';1, thef -l g < ‘;_,,::::-: ! 1 e -- e if R 3 T inally are all mean perfon without Learning, ¢b. flavery ; by reafon whereo , and their 1gnorance, th dilpofition,and unfi¢ foran bufinefs of concern in ef ed an arbitrary power over t e Subjedls,whom the oftentimes condempe unheard The manner o i Nativ they live in a perpetual flavery during life, Countrey into Forreign Par(tq withou Whan an hop of Reden; tisr This cannot in civilize Nations be accounte othe the 3 piece OfHC‘atEeni?] Barbari{m But they Commir. a fa greater and more horri inbumanity, which i In fome Provinces they drow this the young Infants, elpeciall other reafon but thae they miftruf Femae or n they fhall not be abl to maintain t!hem beforeed to fe]] them to unknow People This libe the Maid-fervants purchafe onc for a fum of Mone 1y a Wop, ; but when his Fa mil encreafes; [ Dumber his means begin to fail, he wil fell his Sons and Dag ghter two o I three Crow a piece, not caring what be omes of them afterwards, no kin he know they are made Slave forever, and may be put to wha Puarchafer thinks good Man o thi kin are bought up by the Poyy, the Spaniard, and carrie ,,; out of thei | A General Defcription ‘o \ .M ble to 1 L 7 i, I Butnote, that whatfoever C come of { come Slaves forever. Others ch two, be ho being well to pafs, and |