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Show e The EmBAssy of th - This Court which contains four hundred Paces i on allfides with aftrong Guard, all of the in rich Coat - Wa line of Crimfon ~coloure Sattin On cach fide of the Throne fiood 11 ore a fever Flag, and likewife wore coloure Habits futable to his Enfign, onl they had 3 black Hats, with Yellow Feathers Next to the Emperours Throne fi od twent two Gentlemen, each with a ric Yello Skreen or Umbrillo in his hand nex thefe ftood ten other perfons, e ch holding a Gile Radiant Circl in his hapd refembling the Sun; next to thefe tood fix others with Circles imitati g, th Moon at the Full ; after thele, wer ftanding fixteen other perfons, wit hal Pikes or Poles in thei hands, hung full of Silk Tasfles o everal colours ; pea to thefe ftood thirty fix more, eac holding a Standard, curioufly adorn d wich Dragons (the Emperours Coat o Ar nefe fathion And i Guarded and Adorned very rich Habits, all o s) and other {uch Montfters afte this manner were both fides o the Emperours Throp adding an infinite number of C urtiers, a]l of them i one Colour and Silk, as if a Live y ; which added ver much to the Splendour of the place Before the fieps leading up to th Emperours Throne, ftood on eac fide fi Snow-White Horfes, moft curtou ly tricked and adorned with ric embroidere Trappings, and Bridles befet with earls, Rubies, and other Precious S ones Whilft we were beholding with admirati n -all Cou we he ard the noife an yingling of alittle Bell lightfutlo the Ear. aedrerl 5 ' Hardly had this Clock or Bell finifhed he-Alarm, but we faw. the old Tutan with thirty of the eminent'ft Perforis and' ch efef Lounfellours o very rich'Habits,g'o and make his Obedienc Emperonrs Throne; ‘which was- after this ma ner s, Ther¢ figod a Herauld wh firft made Proclamation, and then the Turan im fell upon their knees, and bowed dow their aleads. nine timesta the ground wiilft delightful Mufick, bot Vocal and Inftrumental, A]'d up the vaca nfuteCercmony 10139391 2t 3 1 o o No {ooner had thefe Lords performed th ir Obedience to the Emperour Throne, butimmediately another Sett of ver eminent Pérfons came,doing the lik in the fame manner. Then followed the Emb fladour of the Sudadzen, and th Ewmbafladour of the Lammas, who were ondu@etdo the Throne in. extraordinary State by the firft and fecond Chancellours and after thefe had done all thej Reverénce to the Chair, the Chancellour c me to our Embafladours, and aske "them'what quality or dignity they had ; th y anfwered him, that they. had th fame of Thiomping, for with this Title they we eat firft qualified by .the Canto Vice-Roys* after the fame Chancellour wen .'to- the Mogol. Embaffadour, an asked him likewife the fame queftion, who anf ered, that he was of that qualit with the Holland Embaffadours ; whereupon he was laced by the Chancellour i the like degree of honour and dignity wich them In‘the center of the q adrangle; over againft the middle Gate of his Throne, flood twenty extraordinary Mark-f wit Chinefe' Letters, cut upon Brafs Plates,fi nifying the quality, of the perfon whic ~muft ftand or knee] uponthem.: ; ng thu ere to make up to the Tenth f2one, and t ere to be their ftation. Beplaced, the'Herauld called o them alond,G and ftand before the Throne ~ hereupon we madé up to the Thron ; then the Herauld called again, ftzp in o yow Place, which accordingly was done then he {poke again, Bow your Hea s thre time Y The Under-T, ntang went on th left fide, and made figns to the r that they { |