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Show ------- e A --- The Ems assy of th s ------------------ e - ----------- c-r--- éx-\"v}illagcs, which are mighty Populous, and Fruitful Fields, which afford twic t e r H c ar m yt u C n ig di an i u b l a year th Upon the fourth of the fame Month, we came before the Famous and chje City of Canton, whichis called by fome Quanchen, and the firft Capital City o the Kingdom of Quantung : after our devotions, and the taking order about ever thing aboard our Ship, we went that day a Shore to'the Embafladours, who we found lodged in a Stately Edifice, fituated upon the River fide (over againf whichlay our Yacht) and formerly had been an Idol Temple The Vice-R had ordered two Mandorins that they fhould guard with a good number of Soul diers the Gates for our fecurity But no fooner was the Yacht come to the Embaffadour lodgings, but the muft immediately (though againft their minds) return aboard again ; under pretence that no Embafladours which are fent to the Emperour; are to refide at Can ton, without exprefs order fro his Imperial Majefty They likewife alledge for their excufe, that the Governours of Canton would not be able to anfiver t the Emperour concerning any mifchief or accident, which migh Embafladours being a Shore Afterwards the Mandorinns happen to th Poetfienfin, and Hey ton, brought the Credentials opened aboard, faying, that the Vice-Roys durft no Provincesa from the 1 H'w'\\.wa\]s accept or keep them; before that they had received advice from the Imperial Cit the Empe Asat the beginning, for the better underftanding of the whole relation of ou Vice-Roys This Co Kingdoms in China, through whichI did not Travel : So I now find my felf neceflitated for the more particular information of the whole Empire of China torelate in fhort the remaining Five Provinces, each in his due place, and th bronght u of Peking Travels, Igave an account in fhort of all the great and fmall Cities of the Te number of Cities, into which each'Province is divided ; all which I {aw my felf The Kingdom of Quantnng, which is the twelfth in number (amongft the 15 into which all China is divided) 1s encompafled on the Weft ‘with the Provinc of Quangfiy on the North-weft :and North with that of Kiangfi ; on the North eaftit bordersupon Foking, from which it is {eparated by fteep Hills and Moun tains, and th River Ting : = All the reft of the Kingdom borders on the Sea, th caufe why fo many fafe Harbours and Roads for Shipping, are 101 thefe parts -The Country isin fome placesflatand even, and in others Hilly and Mountainous efpecially toward the South, as we often found to our great inconvenience upo our Voyage This Kingdom producesall things neceflary forthe {uftenancé of Man, as like wife feveral forts of Rich Wares and Commodities aswell Artificialas' Nacural it likewife yields the Husbandman Fruits twice a year, as Rice, Corn, and othe products; for in her you have no cold weather all Winter, fo that the Chinefe have a Proverb among them,: that there are three very firange chings in Quan tung , Viz Th Heave withou Snow Tree Green i Winte as in Suni mer, and the Inhabitants Spitting Blood; for firft of all it never Snows, here th Trees neverunperiwig'd, and the Inhabitants continually chewing the leaves o Beteland Areka, prepared after their way, makes their Spittle Red From henc comes likewife great quantities of Cold, Pearl Precious Stones, Silk, Quick Silver, Copper, Steel, Iron, Salt-Petre, Eagle-Wood, and feveral other Qdorife rous Woods The people in thefe parts are very Ingenious, Laborious, and Nimble, and ca imitate any thing which they fee made before them : And whatfoever the Port# guelfes bring thither out of Eureps woven of Gold, Silver, or the like, which i firange unto them, they will immediately endeavour to work the {ame, and in fhort time will accomplifh what they undertake : For I gavea Chinefe Gold{mit c i Pro of the Ra revoltedy Hiaornsa has been f In this reckontn Merce The Hoeiche Th which I City. Canton, boa,Li The Loamg 1 for th Th QitieS, The Hocig Y Th as Chy m'ng, L T ing F "cgl |