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Show - The EMBAss 7 of th ett ca rours; and though the Imperial Palace be removed to Peking, yet till the laf Tartar War, the Court of the Emperours did continue in the chief City of thi Province called Kiangning 5 but the Tartars in their laf} Invafion, did not onl totally deftroy and deface all Royal Palaces, and Imperial Cotires, which wer moft noble Edifices, but they altered the very name of the Province and of th chie City, namely, the Province which formerly bore the name o Nankiug, the called it Kiangnan 5 and the chief City which was formerly called Ingtien, the called it Kiangning, depriving alfo this chief City of all its Royal Splendour an Priviledges As this Province far exceeds all other in Goodnefs, and Richnefs o Sojl fo likewife in Trade and Commerce ; for her are the chrefef Cities of al China, each whereof famous for Traffick ; no lefs does this Kiagdom abo n in Shipping above all the reft, for the number of all manner o Veflels 15 { great, thatit {eemsas if all the Ships of the whole World were harboured ther but ‘twill be no wonder if you confider the ficuation of the Rivers, which ru through this Countrey, for by them they can pafls by waterinto any part of China andall Veflels which are bound higher up, muft meet there, which leffens th wonder of fo great Fleets of Ships together in that part: And befides, all Veffe cometo this Province out of the River Kiang, through broad Navigable waters made either by Art.or Nature,and are called the Royal Channels The Natives of this place are generally very Civil, Witty, Serviceable an Mannerly5 it likewife breeds great ftore of able Handicrafts-men, wh prov moft excellent intheir {everal ways. There are likewife here very Learne Men brought up in their Schools of Literature It produces great ftore of Cotton and Silk,which makes there {o many Weavers who work in either Commodity ; but this is the Womens bufine(s, and th Me follow Husbandry and other Employments, or elfe look to the'Children, whil the Women Spin This Seat of Nanking is {o famous through all China, tha what{oever is madein it, is preferred before any thing of the like nature wro gh in other parts of China In this Kingdom lye fourteen chief Cities, and command over 1 10 fifiall C ties The fourteen chief Cities are thefe ; Kiangning, Fung yang, Suchen, Sungkia g Changchen, Chinkiang, Yangchen, Hoaigan, Luchen, Ganking, Taiping Ninggue Chichen, and Hoeichen Kiangning, called alfo Ingtien and Nanking, command:over feven Cir es, a Kiangning, Kinyung, Lieyang, Liexni, Caoxun, K tangpu, and Lobo Fungyang commands over eighteen Cities, as F ungyang, Linhoai Hoaiyven Tingyver, Ubu, Hung, Xen, Hokien, Mungching, Su, Hintaz, Tienchang So, Ling pi, Ing, Tachoy, Hao, and Ingxan Sichen commands over {even Cities, as S uchen, Quenxan, Chang o, ‘Okiang, Kis ting, Taicang, and Cungming Sungkiang commands over three Cities, as Sungkiang, Xanghai, Cingpy Changehen commands over five Cities, as Changchen, Vaufie, Kiangyn Gniking an Cinkiang Chinkiang commands over three Cities, as Chinkiang, T nyang and Kintan Yangchen commands over ten Cities, as Yangcheny Ychin, Taihi g, Caoyen, Hinghoa, Pacyng, Tai, Fucao, Tung,and Haimuen Hoaigan commands over ten Cities, as Hoaigany Cingho, Gan ungy T aoyven, Moy ang, Hai, Canyn, Pi, Sociveny and Cinnning Luches commands over eight Cities, as Luches, Xuching, Lukiang Vugnei, Cao Logan Fugxan, and Hoxan Ganking commands over fix Cities, as Ganking, Tungebing, Cienxan, Taibu, Sufung, Vangkiang Taipin a |