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Show The EMmBAssy of th M- nours to be put to death, but the third cfcaped by flight_, and tbe Emperour a terwards reduced the Kingdom of Ganianinto a Province'; but he had no {o ne laid down his Arms, but the Fugitive Ly began to appear again in t e Field, an made himfelf Mafter of the Kingdom ; which done_he {peedily fent Embaffadour to pacifie the Emperour At that time Siwantew was Emperour, a peaceabl Man, and was more a Slave to his Plealure, then Prince of his Countries. 'This Emperour being weary of all thefe Mutinies and Tro bles, mad over again this Country to this{ame Ly, and inftalled him a 2 petty Prince, upo condition that he fhould fend to him every three yearsa Embaffadour, with grea Prefents : and in this manner thefe Parts were divided from th Empire of China about the year 1428. But thefe Countries notwithftanding al this, grew ver troublefom, being full of Divifions, {o that at laft they cam to be divided jnt three parts 5 theone was called the Kingdom of Laos, the fecond th Kingdo of Tunking, the third Conchinchina, which at prefent are n other then part o the Provinces of Quangfi, and Tunnan The Inhabictants of thefe three Kingdoms, La0s, T nking, and Conchinchina follow the Religion of the Chinefes: They likewife ufe th Chinefe Chara Ctersy though they differ very muc Thefe Countries ar Mankind; amongf which makes an Oy in {pecch and pronunciation from them very froitfuiln every thing belonging to the (ufie ance o other innumerable Trees and Fruits, there grows a Bea or Juice, which the Portugueffes call Rofamalia : Fro henc ~comes likewife in great abundance,that Eag e-wood,which is of a Parple Colour clean.sh data import.tsv out README and isknown tothe Spaniards by the nam of Lacca, and ufed in Chins to dye a colour Silk Scuffs ;5 it produces likewife goo ftore of Linnen, Silk, and Cortton , QUpon the 14" w height of twenty on ::mf% the next mornin but not one woul came in figh Degrees an we fet Sail come aboard of the Ifland of Maccoa, and kep up th ten Minutes; in the evening we Anc ored We fifw lying upon the Shore fevera Boats notwithftanding all the figns we made t invite.them, fo wondrous fearfu] theyar of the Pyrate cokefing, them, who a that time held the Coaft in contingal A arm, whom they undoubtedly took u to be Two days we failed under thi Ifland , thence pafling by the mo Famou an o 2 v L S e bR o Sratugan s ot 7 X N A VA L R e S we repaired our leaks and diforders;5 whi a Weft wind, North North-eaft ind had fo far driven them, that they ha quite loft their courfe fo that thev defired to be direed by u what point to fteer: We willing]y an{fwered their requeft, and fhewed the the ftreak which runs upto the Iflan Formofa, for which they thanked us, an fteered their courfe accordingly. I the interi loft all her Mafis and Rigging in the Stor unto her,fhe told us,that fhe came from Camboye,b und for Teywan, and informe us that the were able to make fome {inall Sail; and awar a great diftance a ftout Jofic driving, which ha fo that we were hourly expe@ing the lofi of bot Ship and Goods: by the wa we {aw a Ship driving without Mafts, butcoul not difcern what fhe was next day about noon, the Storm began to abate w upon the Pecke e any ftandin was hardl that ther mingled with a Herricano violent Tempelt, to ou the Yacht Bloemeidol ‘and hideous Thunder Uponthe 10'™ of the {ame Monthy we ha a mo greatamazement and terrour, in which we lof fight o during which, there hapned fuch perpetual Lig tning Amongftother {orts of Monkiesy here is alfo found on called Stugfiing 5 th manner of takingthem in the Woods, is to {ct Win before them, with whci they being fluftered, fall afleep, and fo are taken napp ng,whofe blood ‘makes a excellent Purple dye |