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Show s S s ett 14 ea e et The EMpBass e e ------- h ------------- --- -- \w\‘% of th we were forced to return under. the Walls of the City where we lodge 4 night in fafety: The next day we departed early in th morning, and faw h Hillson both fides of the River covered with Snow Upon the 1. of 7amtdry, 1657 the next day we got frefth me we arrived. at the City of K """flgdm wher vvith much difficulty to Tow ou Veflels, an about tvvoof the clock in the aftern on fet Sail again to advance our j urnevy . Uponthe 15. of the fame month got before the ruined City of Vann vvhere the Embaffadour nga vvere no {ooner landed, bu the Governour of the plac came to bid them vvelcome At our going avvay, he prefented th Embaffadoyr vvith fome refrefhments for th Kitchin, amongft the reft vvit Candles mad of a thick oyly juice, vvhich the have off of {ome: Trees, and vvhic buent ver clear and {vveet After that vve vvere provided vith frefh men to Tovv our Boats and Pilots (for vvithout expert Pilots thef is no venturing upon this River began ou journey , and paft by very. Roc y and dangerous places, vv vvere not a vye came obfervable, the.vvate then being three foot higher ; bu now thei heads appeared -above the Stream - T i hich the Embaffadours were, hapned to ftrike againf one of them, but with the turnin and eddie of the Stream, fhe got oft agai withoue any-great'damage ven of th clock we got fafe beyond thefe threatnin dangers, ‘which appeared firft at th City of Vannungam, and end over againf about thre Dytch miles. . The Chinefes and Tartar who frequent this River, do commonl offer at the ; fore-mentioned Temple fo afpeedy and fafe Voyage through thof difficulties q o Uponthe 10. we came before. Canchen i Stat came;to welcome and recejve the Embaffad urs in the name of the Tutang ; an after that the Embafladours, at. the requel of the Governour, hadinformed hi ‘withall their Tranfa&ions. at Peking, h went back again: into the City to acquaint the Tutang therewith ; with him went ikewile 7acob de K eyfer (the othe Embafladour being' at that time undifpofed to thank the Tutang for the hig honour he had done them, and to take leav of a Perfon who had beeii {o civilt them Upon the day foIIowing, being the 11 we {et Sail again, the weather provin exceeding cold; and upon the 15. we came withal our Veflels to the moft fa mous City of Nangan, where the Embaladours ere lodged in a very large houf on the South-fide of the Suburbs s for the plac where they lay before, the Tao:tar had burnt to the ground ; who fince ou departure had marched through thhi flying Army, and committed {everal outrage upon the Inhabitants On the 19. of Tannary, we departed fro f dangerous and troublefome wate s, we were now to travel fo to get from Na gan to Nambung. The Embafladours were carried in Chaxr Sedans, which they ordered to be made a Nanking, wherein they were fo {peedil carried over the Mountains by thirt Souldiers whom they had hired, tha‘ came to Nambung though late tha night, without Lodging on the ountains, a they did i coming The Embafladour l a d to th Vice-Roy of Canton " Thav |