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Show are onl n. ]roi P ;Jb:mm::fi" dcfi[c four Fingers broad, and a foot long, which they put before thei mouths, {0 often as they will {peak before the Emperour or his Throne When formerly the Emperour intended to appear upon his Throne, he f ewe him(elf firft eut of a large Window, inthe higheft room of the Houfe, holding a Ebbony board in his hand befor bis Face, and another over his Head 3 bot which.-boards were befet with fo many Precious Stones, and of that bignefs, tha they covered hisface, and hindered any one from the perfe& fight of him : bu how the Lartar Cham appears inthis Age, we have already related It is only lawful for the Emperour to be Arrayed in Yellow, that colour bein forbidden toallothers ; his Raiment is.chiefly embroidered with Dragons,and no only are thele Dragonsupon his Garments, but likewife engravenupon the Veflel of Gold and other Plate belonging tothe Palace, as alfo upon all the other Furniture thereof s infomuchthat the very Tyling of the Palace is of a Yellow co lour, figured with the fhapes of Dragons,. which has given occafion: for fome t believe, that the roof of the Palace was either of Gold or Copper; wherea in truth, it is only covered with Tyles, coloured Yellow in the baking, and faft -ned with Nails, whofc heads are gilded, that fo every thing that is outwardl {cen, may refemble the Emperours Apparel : ‘And if any perfon fhould be fo audacioufly prefumptuonsas to wear this Colour, or the Dragons, unlefs he be o the Royal Blood, it would be with the danger of his Head, fuch an offence bein efteemed Criminal as Treafon and the Offender would fuffer as a Traytour The Royal Palace has four Gates, toward the four quarters of the World : al that pals by thefe Gates, are neceffitated to alight, whether on Horfe back, or i ftance fromthe Court :- and this is duely obferved a Chair, and to ge: on foot till they are gone them This is done by al the Chinefes in general, but much more orderly, and with greater reverence b the Grandees, for they perform this Ceremony while they are yet at a good di o notat Peking alone, the pre {ent Imperial Refidence, but alfo at Nanking, (the antient Seat of the Emperours e s K trate Ebbony boar though of late years deferted by the Court The Emperour oftentimes for fome certain reafonsand caufes, beft know to himfelf, does confer Titles of honour upon the Anceftors of the chicfef Magiftrates, by a certain. Writing formally drawn up by his Majefties Philofophers: They put a high value upon fucha Writing, and think nothing to much to give or do to purchale the fame 5 whichonce obtained, they lay up carefully for their Pofterity, asa Holy or Sacred thing. They likewife {et a very hig value and eftcem upon other Titles, whichare expreft with two or three Chara &ters, and are granted by the Emperour to Widdows, that in their old Ag fubje&t themfelves again to Matrimony, orto any other extraordinary ancien People .- Thele marks of Honour they hang over their doors, to be as a Teftimonial fo them 5 and whenany Magi(trates have done their Countrey good fervices tues of Marble are ereGed in their Honour at the charge of the Publick Z Sta jde. he N P"{O o w '« t Gel Friends comeinto the Emperours prefence, to let him know what day it is and t confirm their good withes for his long life, by the greatnels of the Prefent whic they then bring unto him Allfuch as are preferred by the King to any place of Magift acy, or other Office, are fummoned to appear carly inthe morning before he Kings Throne, t return thanks for the favour fhown him At which time they are clothed in Re Satin, with Silver-guilt Turbands upon their heads : in both hands t ey hold a be Emperouror ng) a d Sflf:::l(: more then an Provinces, as alfo t he Kings neareft and hiefef oo, th othe What 2 Embafladours fent fro --- . 1o it _ a e C r h t il o the Empire of C 11w a .\; which s made of Beans their liquor be what i |, whereof we (hall fpeak s 10 A&, and Mulick t c\l plealed fenfes - ich they know very wel any, and is preferred b ople will feed uponan er Creatures. They ac $G L - they are great Lovers o A very earlyfo,r they hav frane thould befal the v cat ll manner of fef ad continge Ver Mo never eat =, PPetite f th tbc n Ky ¢tplea tlh: Winev dt,yg,',,;f:‘ dcad.dnmk tootthe Servants f M‘L‘tp 100 his hey fag3 ady; yee Deverthel o ¢, The Win blltheGiy . ith Win "\\ S PR ,‘.l TT-- ---. |