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Show 3 assy of th The EB The Seventh chief City is Caochen ahé commands over Six fmall Cities, a Xeching an Caochen, Tienpe; Sing, Hoa, Vucbnen The Eighth chief City is Lienchen, and commands over Four {mall Cities, Lieuchen, Knig, Lingxan,and Xelien The Ninth chief City is Luichen, and commandsover Three {mall Cities, a Luichen, Sniki, and Sinwven coman Hainan theIflan i fituate The Tenth chiet City is Kiunchen HoeiVenchung 111541 Lincao Kinnchen a Cicie mandsover Thirteen {mal tung, Loheei, Chen, Changhoa,Van, Linxui,Yai, and Cangen In this whole Province are Ten Forts or Caftles, which ferve for the defenc of the Province and the Sea; The names whereof are thefe, Taching, Tung Hanxan, Gingbai, Kiacu, Kiexe, Ciexing, Hiung, Funching, and Ciungling The Chinefe Toll-book (wherein the number of the people of cach Provinc is fet down) makes mention of four hundred eighty three thoufand three hun dred and fixty Families, and nineteen hundred {eventy eight thoufand and twent Fizhting Menin this Province The Taxes which this Province pays yearly to the Emperour, amounts to te hundred feventeen thoufand feven hundred and twenty two Bags of Rice {even thoufand three hundred and fourfcore weight of Salt an CANTON Anton, the firft chicf City of this Kingdom, lies upon the height of twent three Degrees Northern Latitude, and is furrounded toward the Eaft Weft, and North, with very Fruitfui and Delightful Hills, and borders toward th South fo very much upon' the Sea, that on that fide there is no part of all Chin {o commodious to Harbour Shipping, where they likewife arrive daily from al quarters of their World, with all manner of Goods, wherewith they make a con fiderable gain: It lieslikewife upon the right fide of the River Ta, where i grows fomewhat narrow; but lower toward the Sea it {preads fuch a breadth that it {feems more likean Ocean, then a Stream. For three miles upon this River is this City of Canton walled in, and fome places adorned with rich and populous Suburbs, which arenot ‘much inferiour to the ordinary Cities, both in bignefsand number of Inhabitants On the water fide, the City is defended with two Rows of high and thic Wallsy which are firengthened with feveral Bulwarks, Watch-towers, and othe Forts 5 though befide thefe works, there aretwo other ftrong. Water Catftles whichare built in the middle of the River, which render this Ciey invincible One of thefe two Caftles, which I{awmy felf, and which doth not much differ i -any thing from the other, I took an exa draught of, which you have her prefented, fhewing the ftrength of the place, and in what manner built |